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Pieter Van den Hombergh, 05/09/2014 02:01 pm

Building AMC from repository

Alexis taught me how to build from sources.

This how to assumes an debian/ubuntu system and has been tested on ubuntu 10.04 and 11.10.
The steps to execute are
  1. download (checkout) from the repository
    $ svn co auto-qcm
  2. build
    $ cd auto-qcm
    $ make deb

    This might show some unfulfilled dependencies and therefore might fail.
    In my case that was
    libnetpbm10-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev dblatex docbook-xsl librsvg2-bin
  3. Install these dependencies, then have another go (two steps).
    $ sudo apt-get install libnetpbm10-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev dblatex docbook-xsl librsvg2-bin
    $ make deb

This should produce a .deb package in the /tmp dir, which can be checked.
The package will be named auto-multiple-choice_x.y.z-u_i386.deb where x,y,z and u depend on the revision at the moment of your checkout.
You're done and can install this package the usual way with e.g. (As I just now did on my 10.04 machine)

sudo  dpkg -i /tmp/auto-multiple-choice_1.0.977-1_i386.deb 

If you want to stay on the bleeding edge, svn update in the auto-qcm sub directory and the rerun the package making. Run step 1 and 2 again
You may of course also just build parts (like the LaTeX.sty file for instance) and install them separately.

$ cd .../auto-qcm
$ svn up
$ make deb