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Pieter Van den Hombergh, 04/06/2014 05:34 pm

AMC and multi-lingual exams

At our institute (Fontys Hogeschool voor techniek en logistiek in Venlo NL) we teach to Dutch and German students.
In the first two semesters we teach in Dutch ans German, the exams are accordingly.

The lessons and exams that the students receive in these lessons should be the same, content wise.
That is why I create my lecture sheets in LaTeX-Beamer, with multiple languages in the same file.

By keeping the content in one file, it is much easier to keep the content the same, provided you the languages used to some degree.

The trick is trivial.
Define a set of macros each with one argument, one for each language. The macro for the active language simply passes its contents, the
macro for the inactive language(s) drops ist content.

Example adapted to the AMC doc.

\newcommand\DE[1]{#1} % active
\newcommand\NL[1]{#1} % active
\newcommand\EN[1]{#3} % active

In the production file i deactivate the inactive languages like this:
\renewcommand\DE[1]{}   % inactive
\renewcommand\NL[1]{}   % inactive
\renewcommand\EN[1]{#1} % active
