\AMCcode doesn't work with newer version (Bug #534)

Added by David Dixon about 7 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:03/01/2018
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


The attached code works fine on 1.2.1, but version 1.3.0 fails to find the code for association. This was previously reported with regard to Issue #530.

CoreTitlepage_Rev1.tex (1.9 kB) David Dixon, 03/01/2018 02:29 am

AMC-DEBUG-pSuuB62y.log (625.8 kB) David Dixon, 03/18/2018 09:35 am

Exam2_new_-_Auto_Multiple_Choice_132.png (52.3 kB) David Dixon, 03/18/2018 06:00 pm

Selection_133.png (33.5 kB) David Dixon, 03/18/2018 07:54 pm


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

This works on my side.
Can you do the following in debugging mode (from the Help menu), and post the resulting log file?
  • tick the Update marking scale box, if not already done,
  • click the Mark button.
  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Updated by David Dixon about 7 years ago

Do you have a recommended method for running two different versions of AMC? It's a hassle upgrading and downgrading to test.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

An idea if you can install build dependencies (and mercurial) and uninstall AMC:
  • clone AMC mercurial repository in, say, ~/amc-1
  • checkout to some AMC version (or mercurial revision)
  • build AMC with make version_files ; make
  • use make local to install links to your build.

You can repeat the same with ~/amc-2 and another version, and use make local in one or another of the two directories to switch to another version.
This works in a debian environment: I'm not sure the links are created in the right place for other environments, you will have to create other links if not.

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

Here's the log marking under 1.3.0

In version 1.2.1, the studentID \AMCCode is found with no problem. Same exact tex files and scans under 1.3.0 fails.

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

Marking doesn't seem to work at all in 1.3.0, even if I start a whole project from scratch. The problem is, \scoring with questionmulti doesn't work in 1.2.1

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago

LaTeX includes the style file from /home/ddixon/texmf/tex/latex/AMC/automultiplechoice.sty. Can you check that the version of this style file always matches the version of AMC, whatever this version is?

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

Excellent, thanks!

That's a local version I forgot about. sudo apt-get finds it and replaced it last time I rolled back to 1.2.1, but installing from your ppa doesn't. So I deleted it, and now 1.3.0 marks (though still not correctly on \AMCOpen), and, HOORAY, it finds the \AMCcode for identification!!

The problem with \AMCOpen, that I was hoping upgrading to 1.3.0 would fix, is this: I want' to be able to enter a score between 0 and 15 by having only 5 boxes (0,1,2,4,8) and scoring with the sum. Marking only ever counts the boxes and ignore the \scoring.

\begin{questionmultx}{Graph Problem}
\AMCOpen{lines=10, lineheight=0.6cm}{\wrongchoice[0]{0}\scoring{0}\wrongchoice[1]{1}\scoring{1}\wrongchoice[2]{2}\scoring{2}\wrongchoice[4]{4}\scoring{4}\correctchoice[8]{8}\scoring{8}}

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

I'm still struggling with installing multiple versions of AMC from mercurial, btw. I'm trying to build 1.2.1 from the repo checkout, and after installing many libs, it fails on this

rsvg-convert -w 24 -h 24 img_src/important.svg -o html/images/important.png
Error saving to file: html/images/important.png
Makefile:46: recipe for target 'html/images/important.png' failed
make[4]: *** [html/images/important.png] Error 1
rm auto-multiple-choice.en.ext auto-multiple-choice.en.tex auto-multiple-choice.ja.html auto-multiple-choice.fr.man auto-multiple-choice.fr.html auto-multiple-choice.ja.man auto-multiple-choice.en.html auto-multiple-choice.en.man auto-multiple-choice.ja.ext auto-multiple-choice.fr.ext auto-multiple-choice.fr.tex

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

Another interesting thing about 1.3.0 over 1.2.1, the pull-down selectors don't format correctly in 1.3.0: the text is black on a black background, so the only way to find out what the selections are is to select each one so the text and background are different colors. See attached.

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

David Dixon wrote:

Excellent, thanks!

That's a local version I forgot about. sudo apt-get finds it and replaced it last time I rolled back to 1.2.1, but installing from your ppa doesn't. So I deleted it, and now 1.3.0 marks (though still not correctly on \AMCOpen), and, HOORAY, it finds the \AMCcode for identification!!

The problem with \AMCOpen, that I was hoping upgrading to 1.3.0 would fix, is this: I want' to be able to enter a score between 0 and 15 by having only 5 boxes (0,1,2,4,8) and scoring with the sum. Marking only ever counts the boxes and ignore the \scoring.


Never mind about \AMCOpen - that was a construct I found in a forum, but re-reading the documentation, I see I have to include bon/mauvais (b=,m=) for it two work in questionmult. So it works now.

Incidentally, the 2015 documentation has a copyright notice on page ii that says (c) 2008-2013, so I didn't realize it's newer than the 2013 revision that I had.

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

The other weird thing in 1.3.0 is that it scores \AMCCode with something like X/1 , where X looks like a bunch of numbers typed on top of each other. See attached

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago

the pull-down selectors don't format correctly in 1.3.0: the text is black on a black background

Do you have the same issue with this example ?

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago

The other weird thing in 1.3.0 is that it scores \AMCCode with something like X/1

Can you check that Edit/Preferences/Annotation/Symbols/Also annotate informative questions is not ticked?

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

Yes, "annotate informative" was checked. So I unchecked it! Thanks!!.

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

The perl doesn't compile: Can't locate Gtk3.pm

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago

Can't locate Gtk3.pm

You need to install the perl Gtk3 module (with debian/ubuntu, use the libgtk3-perl package).

Updated by David Dixon almost 7 years ago

The combobox perl works fine. You can resolve this issue, btw, as user error.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago

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  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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