pdflatex --shell-escape (Bug #533)

Added by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:02/22/2018
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


As explained in the guide I try to change the local or global latex engine (search for "engine" in https://www.auto-multiple-choice.net/auto-multiple-choice.en/latex.shtml ) in order to set it to "pdflatex --shell-escape" so that tikzexternal may be used with AMC.
I change the engine, I save the settings but my choice is not registered: the compilation does not work and if I open the preferences once again my former choice is cancelled.
Any ideas? Thansk in advance.

AMC-DEBUG-untwPnhY.log (171 kB) Giovanni Morando, 02/24/2018 03:59 pm

AMC-DEBUG-jDL7pSKL.log (101.8 kB) Giovanni Morando, 02/24/2018 04:13 pm

amc-compiled-figure0.log (836 Bytes) Giovanni Morando, 02/24/2018 04:41 pm

simple.tex (929 Bytes) Giovanni Morando, 02/24/2018 04:41 pm

AMC-DEBUG-C9JhIcCN.log (94.4 kB) Giovanni Morando, 02/24/2018 04:41 pm


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

What AMC version do you use?
Open your project.
When you open the Edit/Preferences window, what is the value of External commands/LeTeX engine in the Project tab?

Updated by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago

I have AMC 1.3.0.
If I open Edit/Preferences window as the first operation after launching AMC I get "pdflatex" in main preferences and "pdflatex --shell-escape" in the project tab. As soon as I perform any operation, as opening preferences again or compiling the source (and getting an error message), it seems that preferences are cancelled since, if I open preference once again I find both fields empty.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

Can you try these exact steps and send the resulting log file?
  1. Open AMC
  2. Switch to debugging mode (from the Help menu)
  3. Open your project
  4. Open the Edit/Preferences menu, and set External commands/LeTeX engine in the Project tab to pdflatex -shell-escape
  5. Build the project documents

Updated by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago

Here is the log file.
Thanks for help,


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

So in this case the documents were built properly?

Updated by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago

Ops, I am sorry I compiled the document using the trick I adopted to complete the job (importing images with graphicx package from a different file).
Here attached you can find the log of the situation with the error.


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

[ 8413, 2.30] Command [8431] : auto-multiple-choice prepare --with "pdflatex --shell-escape" …
[ 8431, 0.14] %%% Compiling: pass 1
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.

It seems from the log file that -shell-escape was used.
Can you write a minimal source file that produces the error?

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

Is there any file named amc-compiled-figure0.log in the project directory?

Updated by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago

Here is the minimal source simple.tex, the amc-debug-....log and the amc-compiled-figure0.log

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago

Thanks for the source file.
The problem here comes from the jobname, that is set by AMC to something different from the source file name. This seems to be incompatible with tikz's externalization (see this page).
You can use tikz without externalization, or try the solution provided in the page mentioned above.

Updated by Giovanni Morando about 7 years ago

Thanks a lot, I'll read the page and see what's easier between the suggested solution and my dumb procedure (compiling images in an non-AMC file and importing them by means of graphicx package).

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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