latex error when processing automultiplechoice.dtx (Bug #516)
After changeset hg:f540cd2af512, pdflatex stops when processing automultiplechoice.dtx to produce the sty file.
The log is as follows.
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (Web2C 2015) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2016.10.11) 27 NOV 2017 23:20 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. **automultiplechoice.dtx (./automultiplechoice.dtx LaTeX2e <2015/01/01> patch level 2 Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 79 languages loaded. (/usr/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/docstrip.tex ... ... LaTeX Warning: Reference `s:separate' on page 13 undefined on input line 807. \openout9 = `pexa-src.tex'. \openout13 = `pexa-sam.tex'. (./pexa-src.tex) \c@chapter=\count321 (./pexa-sam.texpdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (na me{AMCquestionaff.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again> \relax l.1 \begin{question}{simplesum} ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-RANDOM ( FP-DIV ) ) ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-TRUNC ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-RANDOM ( FP-DIV ) ) ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-TRUNC ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-CLIP ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-SUB ) ( FP-CLIP ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-CLIP ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-SUB ) ( FP-CLIP ) ) )) (./pexa-src.tex) [13]pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with t he same identifier (name{AMCquestionaff.1}) has been already used, duplicate ig nored <to be read again> \relax l.887 % } } ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-RANDOM ( FP-DIV ) ) ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-TRUNC ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-RANDOM ( FP-DIV ) ) ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-TRUNC ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-DIV ) ) )pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{AMCquestionaff.2}) h as been already used, duplicate ignored <to be read again> \relax l.923 % } } ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-RANDOM ( FP-DIV ) ) ( FP-MUL ) ( FP-ADD ) ( FP-TRUNC ) ) ) ( FP-EVAL ( FP-UPN ( FP-POW ) ) ) ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \LaTeX3 error: round() expects between 1 and 2 arguments. l.923 % } } ? x
I am using an older TeXLive (2015) distribution, which is the default version in FreeBSD.
Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago
The 3-parameters variant of round
must have been defined after your LaTeX version…
Can you try with the attached patch applied?
- File round.diff added
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani over 7 years ago
Thank you.
Using the patch, build and install processes finished successfully.
But, the following test fails:
.../tests/ # t/tex_arithm/ [>] Installed in /tmp/JCTSp3ZY9Z [E] latex error: ! Undefined control sequence.
.../tex_arithm/ # pdflatex arithm.tex ... ... SECTION(Significant::base10) ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \char_generate:nn {`e}{12} l.12 \test{1.2345}{2}{12} ? x
Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago
Can you try replacing \char_generate:nn { `e } { 12 }
with \catcode`e=12 e
? Line 3416 becomes
\tl_replace_once:Nxn \amc_ee_tl { \catcode`e=12 e } { e }
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani over 7 years ago
I get the following message by the replacement, although pdflatex itself finished successfully.
/tests # t/tex_arithm/ [>] Installed in /tmp/lXxnYOd_4w [E] Significant::base10 [2] : '0' should be '34'
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani over 7 years ago
The following is displayed by pdflatex.
SECTION(Significant::base10) TEST(12,12) TEST(0,34) TEST(10789.5,11) TEST(-256785.6,-257) TEST(0,6) TEST(-0,-6) TEST(0,8) TEST(-0,-8) TEST(10,10) TEST(-1,-1) TEST(0,0)
Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 7 years ago
Can you give a try to the following patch, to be applied on hg:9592fa9f3258 for example?
Also attached is the resulting DTX and STY files.
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- File catcode.diff added
- File automultiplechoice.dtx added
- File automultiplechoice.sty added
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani almost 7 years ago
Thank you very much. This patch completely works with hg:9592fa9f3258.
Now, when I try hg:7cf54b35be4c, I get another error:
! Undefined control sequence. l.2147 \sys_if_engine_luatex:TF
Thanks a lot.
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani almost 7 years ago
Sorry, I found the repository was moved to and \sys_if_engine_luatex:TF was removed.
I'll test it later.
Updated by Hiroto Kagotani almost 7 years ago
The latest commit git:c96ff32 works completely. (I don't know how to refer to a gitlab commit)
Thank you very much!
Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago
Good. Thanks for testing!
(I don't know how to refer to a gitlab commit)
just type git:c96ff32
and the link will appear.
Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100