handling of namefield changed, making old exams incompatible (Bug #416)

Added by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:03/28/2016
Priority:High Due date:
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Target version:-


I use the namefield in a separate file, to maximize reuse.
Upgrading to AMC 1.3.0 now produces a warning and printing with separated answer sheets produces no output (no files).
Also the check layout menu is empty.
The files compile correctly (with pdflatex).
How is `The \namefield command is not used.` detected?
Bottom line: I cannot use 1.3.0 with my current setup and must fall back to 1.2.0

toy_20160329.zip - working example (2.2 MB) Pieter Van den Hombergh, 03/29/2016 09:37 am


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 9 years ago

Please post a minimal source file showing your problem.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 9 years ago

Hell Alexis,

Although not quite minimal, it is a modified form of my toy exam which show the problem.

Normally I do NOT have the questions as subdir of an exam but somewhere else. I have put them in a subdir to make the example complete.

Use: create a project named toy_20160329 , then unzip the zipfile below over it, maybe excluding the project.xml file.

Note that the problem also occurs on the other machien I build with, which runs AMC 1.2.1515 (svn:1522), really old and it shows the same bevahiour, so most likely the problem is on my
side. I will keep investigating too, and report as soon as I find something relevant.

Thx as always.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 9 years ago

First remark: don't include


inside the arguments of the \namefield command (via your \AnswerFormHeadAlt), but move them in onecolumnform.tex, in the \subject definition, between \clearpage and the \namefield call.
With your setting, the effects of \AMCformBegin are only local inside \namefield, and this makes trouble — for example, there are no ID boxes at the top of the answer sheet pages.

Also, use \AnswerFormHeadAlt instead of \namefield{\AnswerFormHeadAlt} in onecolumnform.tex (see differences in the Check Layouts window): \champnom, which is the same command as \namefield (but in French), is already used in the \AnswerFormHeadAlt command definition.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 9 years ago

You are wonderfull.

Never expected this quick response and the fact that you would be willing to look into my forest of files ;-)

I have changed as per you isntructions and now it works (at least the toy exam).

I will do a full test and let you know.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 9 years ago

The solution you provided works.
As far as I am concerned you may close this issue.

Thx again.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 9 years ago


  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Closed

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