Need better markers for recognizing page limits (Feature #349)

Added by s k almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:New Start date:04/21/2015
Priority:Normal Due date:
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Thanks Alexis for this beautiful piece of software! I've used it till now for over 600 responses! Well, I've found an issue solving which would improve this software.

The page limits of a page are decided by the four circular marks at each of the corners. However, what I've found from my experience is that these markers need to be improved.

Some small unintentional marks on the corner by the responders turn out to be catastrophic as AMC confuses them with the page limit markers.

A solutions to the issue can be adding some Patterned markers on the corners and adding more markers on the border.
For example, Formscanner uses the following pattern (see attachment).


form_background.png (7 kB) s k, 04/21/2015 04:10 am


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 10 years ago

I agree with you, but I don't know how to detect patterns on a scan, so this will be quite time-consuming for me to learn that (as always, if anyone would like to help with this, welcome!).
You can consider two work-arounds:
  • I tell the students that any writing around the corner marks that break the automated process will lead to a few points penalty.
  • You can also use the Edit/Preferences/Scan/Detection parameters/Process scans with 3 corner marks setting, which allows to handle scans with one missing corner mark.

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