Circle or Square or Circle within a square (Feature #27)

Added by red sea almost 13 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:03/23/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:1.2.0


The form of boxes, shading to answer..

Proposed addition to allow the user to choose between:
-Circle within a square

best regards

Oval.sty - oval using tikz rectangle with rounded corners. (455 Bytes) Pieter Van den Hombergh, 11/04/2012 03:36 pm

amcnewoval.sty - new oval, experimental code, not fit for production use. (1.5 kB) Pieter Van den Hombergh, 01/17/2013 10:19 am

ovals-savebox.sty (2.1 kB) Alexis Bienvenüe, 01/18/2013 01:24 pm

Related issues

duplicated by Feature #53: Choose between the squares and circles Closed 04/19/2012


Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 13 years ago

red sea wrote:

The form of boxes, shading to answer..

Proposed addition to allow the user to choose between:
-Circle within a square

best regards

It appears to me that a circle or oval shape is filled in much easier by the students. So I think this could help.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.2.0

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Since revision r1118, you can use something like


to make boxes shaped as circles or ovals.
Please have a look.

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Updated by red sea over 12 years ago

i got this error messege:

LaTeX Error: Environment tikzpicture undefined.
Undefined control sequence.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Missing number, treated as zero.
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
Undefined control sequence.

Updated by red sea over 12 years ago

after i added :

to the head, it worked with (shape=oval) only.
when i try to used (shape=circle or squere) i got this message :

Package xkeyval Error: value `circl' is not allowed.


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

shape must be square or oval. You can get a circle using shape=oval with the same value for both width and height.

Updated by red sea over 12 years ago

ok thanks , now worked.

can i use "diamond" or "Star" or any shape in tikz?

best regards

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

can i use "diamond" or "Star" or any shape in tikz?

No. Drawing the shape is not enough to make it work. Some work has to be done for counting the number of black pixels inside the shape. This work has only be done for squares and ovals.

Updated by red sea over 12 years ago



Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

I just tested (I had not noticed you already had an implementation).

Two remarks:
  1. The oval shape is quite nice and will help the candidates to fill out the marks much easier.
  2. The pdf rendering with pdflatex is much slower. With a 30 question rendered for two students (using csvsimple) using the oval command takes 7.3 seconds real time, with the default rectangular boxes 0.601 seconds, both timed with time pdflatex source.tex. This would make it very
    slow indeed. My normal exams have between 40 and 80 candidates.

Observing the log output produced while pdflatex makes its run makes me guess that most of the time is used rendering the ovals. I appears to pause at the end of each answer sheet. It has to put 131 ovals per answer sheet.

Would it not be much quicker if you rendered the oval once and re-use it every next time? Both LaTeX and pdf can do define and reuse.

Of course I will have to test the scanning performance and quality and will do that asap.

In any case, it look promising.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Would it not be much quicker if you rendered the oval once and re-use it every next time? Both LaTeX and pdf can do define and reuse.

I'm afraid I don't see how to implement this idea in the automultiplechoice.sty package... Please send a patch if you know how to do this.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

Took a look into your implementation and considered the render and reuse.

It might be possible using the \newsavebox, \savebox and \usebox commmand but then you would have to draw 'box' and content differently.
I would consider such to much of a change in the inner workings of the latex sty file. That is not the way to go I think.

I also made and experiment and replaced the 4 tikz arc commands and cycle with one ellipse.
In the exam set I did the experiment on, (16 open questions, 2 open questions with in total 71 tik boxes per form) rendering an exam for 59 students,
it reduced the compilation time (one pdflatex run) from 2 minute 24 seconds to 1 minute 8 seconds.

Of course some tweeking might be needed to get the ellipse in the proper proportion, but since it is somehow the closed figure we want, that might do the trick.

At the moment consider it low priority and leave the code as is.

To give you the complete results of my experiment, here you have the ellipse in latex/tikz code, with the arc parts commented out.
I made a copy of the .sty file and edited that before changing anything in your sources.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

Would like to upload my oval definition to share it with you.
\renewcommand the \AMC@shape@oval command in a separate .sty file, to experiment with it first.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Would like to upload my oval definition to share it with you.

Sure. Please attach it (click on the "files" banner at the bottom of the page when adding notes).

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

I just did two experiments with the oval/ellipse form type.

  1. Filling in the form by the students is both faster and cleaner (Filling a round shape with a pen/pencil can be done much quicker)
  2. Scanning and scoring works quite well. I tried hard to fill the shapes properly and have an MSE of 1.6 and a sensitivity of 5.7.

So from my point of view the oval is a success and can be used (in my next exam series).
I gladly accept the slower production speed (it only costs my patience, a nice exercise anyway) in exchange for more comfort and reliability at the filling out the form side.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

For the time being, I will stick to your original oval, which works best in scanning and the GUI (r 1197)

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago

I played a little with tikz and came up with an oval version which renders a bit quicker, although not spectacular.

I use a tikz rectangle with rounded corners with a radius of half the box with. The oval is the indiscernible from the original.
Timing (with time) on my machine reveals, for 46 students, 30 question with 262 ovals per exam
with orginal oval real 2m51.417s
with 'rectangle' version, same conditions: real 1m32.480.

I packed the new oval in a Oval.sty, in the attachment and added \usepackage{Oval} to my source.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Very nice: this also cut by two the processing time with ovals on my computer. I will replace the current implementation with yours shortly in the development code.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Even nicer would be to have the option to use the default rectangular boxes in the questions and the oval boxes only on the separate answer form, where they have play out their benefits when filling in by pencil or pen.
This could again save a substantial off the processing time, because to all questions the choice boxes are rendered twice, once with the question and once on the separate form.

Something like \AMCOvalOnAnserformOnly or similar more appropriate to the current API style.
Or \AMCQuestionBoxShape and \AMCAnswerformBoxShape, both defaulting to rectangular.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Maybe you might also default to rectngualr boxes in the solution rendering. No one has to fill in the solution anyway ;-))
This will again save some time in the 'update documents' process.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Maybe you might also default to rectangular boxes in the solution rendering. No one has to fill in the solution anyway ;-))
This will again save some time in the 'update documents' process.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

I just tested (I had not noticed you already had an implementation).

Two remarks:
  1. The oval shape is quite nice and will help the candidates to fill out the marks much easier.
  2. The pdf rendering with pdflatex is much slower. With a 30 question rendered for two students (using csvsimple) using the oval command takes 7.3 seconds real time, with the default rectangular boxes 0.601 seconds, both timed with
    time pdflatex source.tex

    This would make it very slow indeed. My normal exams have between 40 and 80 candidates.

Observing the log output produced while pdflatex makes its run makes me guess that most of the time is used rendering the ovals. I appears to pause at the end of each answer sheet. It has to put 131 ovals per answer sheet.

Would it not be much quicker if you rendered the oval once and re-use it every next time? Both LaTeX and pdf can do define and reuse.

Of course I will have to test the scanning performance and quality and will do that asap.

In any case, it look promising.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

Would it not be much quicker if you rendered the oval once and re-use it every next time? Both LaTeX and pdf can do define and reuse.

I'm afraid I don't know how to do that, particularly if letters or other characters are to be drawn inside the shapes. Please write the LaTeX code if you can.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Pieter Van den Hombergh wrote:
Alexis Bienvenüe wrote:

Would it not be much quicker if you rendered the oval once and re-use it every next time? Both LaTeX and pdf can do define and reuse.
I'm afraid I don't know how to do that, particularly if letters or other characters are to be drawn inside the shapes. Please write the LaTeX code if you can.

I did some small experimentations and using \savebox{\amcoval} and \usebox{\amcoval}, in which I saved the oval drawing code
in the amcoval savebox. I did these experiments to make sure there is any (speed) gain at all. There is a substantial speed up in this case, although I have no exact numbers and the code is not yet ready for show time. There are some implications though, you may not want.

  • The slowness in the current oval rendering is not so much in the rounded corners as in the execution of the tikz environment which is not (yet) optimized for such use case. This can be shown easily by implementing the standard square as a tikz rectangle by just copying the code and leaving the rounded corner feature out. This defines a tikz rectangle which should in theory be no slower then a normal latex fcolorbox, but I am sorry to say it is.
  • The optimal speed up can be achieved when you use the savebox/usebox construct in such a way that you can apply it as a blob of ink. You can
    render this blob once (with tikz for instance) and then more or less stamp it any time you need it. This works fine, speed wise. It is however not compatible with arguments to such macros and your current shape macros take 5 arguments, not the least being filled and the character inside, if to be drawn.
  • If you want to use such things you might have to refactor some code (i.e. remove the parameters from the blob) and then some tweaking to get the placement of the check boxes and its content or surroundings right, the things that tikz does for you so elegantly with the node placement. It might also mean that you have to change higher level syntax or semantics. I cannot estimate your development priorities, but this would not land at the top of my list.
  • For instance: such change would make the ovals incompatible with drawing the letter or digit inside the check box, which on the other hand is a bad idea for scanning discrimination between checked and unchecked. I would always place the character or digit outside the square or circle.
  • This would have an impact on your design, such as using different a rendering for the check boxes in 4 variants: in the exam, on the separate answer form and both in checked and unchecked form.

I will attach a file with my experiment so you can have a look.

While typing this I did a test, which for the speeded up version does

time pdflatex source.tex
real    0m25.046s
user    0m24.450s
sys    0m0.452s

when called with time pdflatex source.tex
and for the subversion only version
time pdflatex source.tex
real    3m0.798s
user    2m59.875s
sys    0m0.456s

Of course a production run will need 4 pdflatex rederings in total.
Printing speed is not affected as far as I know.

Runs on a same real exam (which I cannot reveal on this forum for obvious reasons) with 30 questions, 47 candidates, 564 pages for a run in the resulting single source.pdf file and 384 check boxes per candidate (192 on the form, 192 in the exam).

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

I used your idea to write a patch that should work in all contexts: can you test it? Load this package right after automultiplechoice.

  • File ovals-savebox.sty added

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Alexis Bienvenüe wrote:

I used your idea to write a patch that should work in all contexts: can you test it? Load this package right after automultiplechoice.

I will try it tomorrow at work on the same machine I did the timing on. The machine I am now at is too fast ;-)).
Even on this fast machine, running latex on the current exam, two passes for both exam and solution takes a while and is of course only able to use one core per run.

Come to think of it: On a halfway modern machine, having more then one core (this one has six, my faithful laptop, the one I timed with two), you could run the corrections and exam latex run in parallel (ssuming the latex run is error free), which would chop the default 'update documents' process in halve, because both runs would write to different files (I think). Starting two tasks in parallel in the shell is easy enough, as you probably know.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Pieter Van den Hombergh wrote:

Alexis Bienvenüe wrote:

I used your idea to write a patch that should work in all contexts: can you test it? Load this package right after automultiplechoice.

I will try it tomorrow at work on the same machine I did the timing on. The machine I am now at is too fast ;-)).
Even on this fast machine, running latex on the current exam, two passes for both exam and solution takes a while and is of course only able to use one core per run.

Come to think of it: On a halfway modern machine, having more then one core (this one has six, my faithful laptop, the one I timed with two), you could run the corrections and exam latex run in parallel (ssuming the latex run is error free), which would chop the default 'update documents' process in halve, because both runs would write to different files (I think). Starting two tasks in parallel in the shell is easy enough, as you probably know.

I could not resist: It feels a lot quicker.
On this machine (at home, 6 core amd processor with way to much memory so disk buffers are never filled), same exam-conditions as the time measurement above the result is

time pdflatex source.tex 
real    0m18.967s
user    0m18.605s
sys    0m0.276s

which makes me assume your tweak executes in the same time as the original square boxes. (It was 25 seconds real on the laptop, see above).

I also ran the 'update documents' process in the GUI again ( on my home machine), and now it is also quick again (with its 4 passes), so this is probably the way to go for this feature. It would cause me to bring down my coffee ration.

Both renderings (Question and Solution) look optically fine, did not yet test the scanning and post processing.

Good work and very quick turnaround on this one. Bravo.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

By the way, this morning the students score the exam I used in the timing example. That rendering scanned flawless and have my first result this way.
There where almost no incompletely filled boxes, because these ovals are a lot easier to fill with a pencil (preferred) or felt-tip pen.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

It works.

As promised my test results:

First run, old style ovals timing.
real    3m0.869s
user    2m59.883s
sys    0m0.404s

Second run, savebox ovals timing
real    0m25.377s
user    0m24.738s
sys    0m0.388s

which is more then 6 times better!

I also tested with a complete cycle: prepare, layout detection, print, scan and score and this is also Ok (I scored one exam by hand with a pencil and scanned that. Should give maximum grade of course).

I had the small issue that the corrected version did not have filled boxes, which I did not notice at home, so I must have a further look into that. I will let you know if this problem is on my side.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

  • File deleted (ovals-savebox.sty)

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

I had the small issue that the corrected version did not have filled boxes

I updated the style file with a new version, but I'm not sure it addresses this problem.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Conclusion: Works.

  • On both home workstation and laptop your first and second patch both seem to produce the same result.
  • Is there anything that I should look into or pay attention to in particular?
  • My observations of different behaviour between laptop and computer at home was wrong. The experiments had a different set up so it was probably not something in the first patch
  • Anyway, This looks good.
  • Will use it for my next exams coming week.

Thanks, as always.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

I do not want to open another issue, but was wondering if a complete latex run is required when you select Update marking scale in the marking tab.
I just assume that you want/need to re-acquire the questions weight (points) and correct/wrongs, but need not do all the regeneration for all candidates.
We do pre-association, and if you need only information en not the student information, then it might be less time consuming if you processed the material
for one candidate only, thereby gathering al information about the questions, which will be the same for all candidates.

I added it here because it relates to the speed of latex processing in some way. Not doing unneeded work is always faster, whatever algorithm you choose ;-))
One could also imagine that such run would be done in some kind of DRAFT mode, e.g. avoiding complex renderings which might save some processing time.

Maybe my assumption is wrong and do you need to recompute all xy values.

I noticed that the program makes two or three (or maybe four) latex runs when using Update marking scale, always using only one cpu. I could imagine that you need two runs for each processing variant, but it might be the two 'exam' runs and the two 'answer' runs could be run in parallel, as long as they use different output (and aux) files, but you could simply put those in separate subdirectories using pdflatex options such as -output-directory=DIR and -jobname name. This could also produce some speedup, at least when you have more then one core to spend.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 12 years ago

was wondering if a complete latex run is required when you select Update marking scale in the marking tab.

I'm afraid yes. All candidates may have different questions, different answers, different scoring strategies (the case of random numerical values with a \AMCnumericChoices is a good example). This is not always the case but we have to take these cases into account.

imagine that such run would be done in some kind of DRAFT mode

Yes, this is a good idea... but I don't know how to do that.

I noticed that the program makes two or three (or maybe four) latex runs when using Update marking scale

This looks strange. It should be 2 runs at most. Can you confirm that ?

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 12 years ago

Alexis Bienvenüe wrote:

was wondering if a complete latex run is required when you select Update marking scale in the marking tab.

I'm afraid yes. All candidates may have different questions, different answers, different scoring strategies (the case of random numerical values with a \AMCnumericChoices is a good example). This is not always the case but we have to take these cases into account.

imagine that such run would be done in some kind of DRAFT mode

Yes, this is a good idea... but I don't know how to do that.

I noticed that the program makes two or three (or maybe four) latex runs when using Update marking scale

This looks strange. It should be 2 runs at most. Can you confirm that ?

I will be preparing exams for next next week, starting preparations today, so I will have a look and record my findings here.

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 12 years ago

I rand an exam today and tested a bit with 'update marking' while also looking at the time stamps of the files.

I am running 1.1.1335 (svn:1346) (svn update, make deb and install, ubuntu 12.04).

From what I see, in Marking-> check 'update marking scale', the program only updates the amc-compiled.* files and no other. I think this is correct because as you explained a complete latex run is in order.
So either my earlier observation is wrong or some other files are no longer updated, in particular the DOC-catalog.pdf (nice addition by the way) and the DOC-corrige.pdf are not updated in 'updating marking scale'.

Watching the computer activity during a long run (30 questions, 40+ candidates, update marking) I saw only one pdflatex process as in one run, which means that this is also quite optimal.
I am running the program on the same machine and it appears a lot quicker. Your work must have helped, because my machine is at the same OS level as before.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 12 years ago

Good. Thanks for the report!

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