Correction impossible (Bug #264)

Added by Christine Fauvelle-Aymar about 11 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:03/04/2014
Priority:Urgent Due date:
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Target version:-


je travaille depuis plusieurs années maintenant avec la vieille version (1.0) de AMC et je n'ai jamais rencontré ce problème. Je suis en train de tenter de corriger un QCM avec feuilles de réponse. La procédure scan s'effectue parfaitement, les cases noircies sont bien en rouge. Mais quand je lance la correction, il tourne mais ne fait rien. Les feuilles ne sont pas corrigées. Les cases noircies sont entourées d'un cercle rouge. Mais les cercles bleues qui devraient entourer les bonnes réponses ne sont pas présents et la note affichée est de 0.
Je n'ai changé aucune option et j'ai effectué exactement les mêmes manip que d'habitude. J'avoue ne pas du tout savoir que faire.
Merci d'avance pour toute aide.


Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 11 years ago

First a (google translate) translation.

I worked for several years now with the older version (1.0) of AMC and I have never encountered this problem. I'm trying to correct multiple choice with answer sheets. The scan procedure is done perfectly, the blackened boxes are red. But when I run the program, it runs but does nothing. The pages are not corrected. The shaded boxes are surrounded by a red circle. But the blue circles that should surround the correct answers are not present and the note reads 0.
I have not changed any option and I did exactly the same manipulation as usual. I confess I do not know what to do.
Thank you in advance for any help.

Now the reaction to your problem.

I have noticed the same problem intermittently on a Ubuntu 12.04 on several installations and was not able to resolve it as yet. I have tried this on several machines as well. Some had the problem, although it is not really possible to reliably reproduce the problem. I have the suspicion that upgrading some or parts of the ubuntu installation is involved in the problem. I for one upgraded the Latex part from texlive 2009 (which is in ubuntu 12.04 and is ancient) to texlive 2012 and possibly also upgraded some versions of the libraries.

To help find the problem, could you please attach log files, so that someone might find the cause.

For my own situation, for the workstation I use for AMC I moved to ubuntu 14.04, which also brings a more modern latex installation. Using the later versions of AMC (from ppa or built from sources), I have not seen the problem any more.
So you might want to upgrade to 14.04, which is also long term stable.

One last request: Could you write any follow up on this in English, so that more eyes can see it? Any experiences shared to a broader audience is a great help, even if it is only the report of a problem. (BTW, English is not my native tongue, but I know more people will read my question then if I would write them in Dutch, which is my native language).


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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