Identifying inconsistent answers (Feature #14)

Added by Chilo Pode almost 14 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:03/07/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
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La présence de cellules rouges/jaunes dans l'export OpenOffice, après la correction, permet de repérer les réponses incohérentes (rien n'est coché, plusieurs cases sont cochées au lieu d'une seule). Il serait utile de pouvoir accéder simplement aux copies concernées, par exemple à partir de la liste des copies après la saisie automatique.

automatic translation:
The presence of red or yellow cells in OpenOffice export, after correction, identifies inconsistent answers (nothing is checked, multiple boxes are checked instead of one).
It would be useful to easily access the concerned copies, for example from the list of copies after the automatic entry.

cellcomment.png - cell comment (3.4 kB) Pieter Van den Hombergh, 01/17/2013 11:27 pm


Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

Chilo Pode wrote:

La présence de cellules rouges/jaunes dans l'export OpenOffice, après la correction, permet de repérer les réponses incohérentes (rien n'est coché, plusieurs cases sont cochées au lieu d'une seule). Il serait utile de pouvoir accéder simplement aux copies concernées, par exemple à partir de la liste des copies après la saisie automatique.

automatic translation:
The presence of red or yellow cells in OpenOffice export, after correction, identifies inconsistent answers (nothing is checked, multiple boxes are checked instead of one).
It would be useful to easily access the concerned copies, for example from the list of copies after the automatic entry.

Same wish here: Understanding that there is little room in the cells or otherwise, you might be able to use the libreoffice cell comment for this one, the comment could then say exam form xx, question yy.
These comments are recognisable as a little red dot in the upper right hand corner of that cell.
cell comment

Updated by Pieter Van den Hombergh about 12 years ago

The open office /libre office partlance for a comment i a cell is office:annotation, and looks like this:

<office:annotation draw:style-name="gr1" 
            draw:text-style-name="P1" svg:width="28.99mm" 
            svg:height="5.96mm" svg:x="251.81mm" svg:y="85.78mm" 
              <text:p text:style-name="P1">Exam 12 q 23</text:p>

  • it is put inside the cell, in the case I looked, before the cell text
  • I do not yet know if one has sufficient control over what to insert into the cell, but putting (unconditionally) this in every cell with a grade could be relatively easy. This could do the trick for all of us.
  • The svg stuff above is probably only relevant when the comment is to be shown and is probably resolvable by the user. He would normally only look at the comments of cells he is interested in.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

Invalid and empty answers can now (since revision hg:6eaa249214e2) be highlighted in the manual data capture window.

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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