Cannot select the student ID column (from students list csv file) for automatic association. (Bug #103)

Added by Jean-Baptiste Rouquier about 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Status:Closed Start date:12/02/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assignee:- % Done:


Target version:-


On the marking tab, I click "set file", select a csv file, then:
The drop-down list "primary key from this list" shows all column titles.
The drop-down list "Code name for automatic association" only has the option "(none)".

I'm using
- the separateanswersheet,noshuffle,postcorrect,insidebox options,
- the same answersheet for all students
- ubuntu and the default package: AMC 1104
- this student list (as csv file):


Thanks for your help.

m_postcorrect_outsidebox.tex (13.6 kB) Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, 12/04/2012 11:20 pm

m_postcorrect_outsidebox.pdf (145.7 kB) Jean-Baptiste Rouquier, 12/04/2012 11:20 pm


Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

The drop-down list "Code name for automatic association" only has the option "(none)".

This option will be used for automatic association, when a \AMCcode command was used in the subject. Did you use this command? If not, only manual association will be available.

Updated by red sea about 12 years ago

add amcode like this:


Updated by red sea about 12 years ago

or horizonal:


Updated by Jean-Baptiste Rouquier about 12 years ago

Yes, I already have this code in the LaTeX file:

Numéro de candidat:
\AMCcodeVspace=0.8em  \medskip\par\AMCcodeH{numeroCandidat}{4}

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

Yes, I already have this code in the LaTeX file

Can you send your source file?

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Rouquier about 12 years ago

Foo bar baz are placeholders, appart from those substitutions this is the exact source code I use.
I print only the last page (the answersheet), the actual questions are on distinct, separate material.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

The drop-down list "Code name for automatic association" only has the option "(none)".

With your source file, I get "numeroCandidat" as a choice in this list. Did you process marking before trying students identification? What is your AMC version?

Updated by Jean-Baptiste Rouquier about 12 years ago

Indeed, I expect "numeroCandidat" as a choice in this list.

By "process marking", you mean clicking the "Mark" button in the Marking tab? Yes, I did that.

I'm using the default Ubuntu package: AMC 1.1.1 (svn:1104)
I'll try with the latest SVN version when I return to this project.

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

By "process marking", you mean clicking the "Mark" button in the Marking tab? Yes, I did that.

That was it.
Can you start AMC, switch to debugging mode (from Help menu), open the project, and post the produced log file?

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

I think the problem is corrected since revision r1187: please test with a recent AMC version, using for example the test PPA. See also (in french) RE: AMCode....

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

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