Question ouverte et image sur la même ligne

Added by David F over 2 years ago


je cherche à trouver un moyen d'avoir sur la même ligne le cadre dédié aux réponses ouvertes et une image.

J'ai réalisé plusieurs tests, mais je ne trouve pas la bonne méthode.

Voiçi les différents codes que j'ai essayé :


  In the event of a sharp drop in the NCV of waste, what operator action should be taken to avoid mechanical overload of the combustion grate? 


  \explain{Good answer 1 Pt, 0 Pt for wrong answer  \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}


    In the case of TGU tripped or in Island mode, boiler running, if the TGU bypass won’t open, where the steam will be discharged ?

   \includegraphics[height=3cm]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}


   \explain{Good answer 2 Pt, 1 pt for partial answer, 0 Pt for wrong answer  \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}


    In the case of TGU tripped or in Island mode, boiler running, if the TGU bypass won’t open, where the steam will be discharged ?

   \includegraphics[height=3cm]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}


  \explain{Good answer 2 Pt, 1 pt for partial answer, 0 Pt for wrong answer    \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}


    Lineup = true

   \includegraphics[height=3cm]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}

   \AMCOpen{lines=3,dots=false, lineup=true}{\wrongchoice[F]{f}\scoring{0}\wrongchoice[P]{p}\scoring{1}\correctchoice[J]{j}\scoring{2}}

  \explain{Good answer 2 Pt, 1 pt for partial answer, 0 Pt for wrong answer    \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}


    Lineup = true sans minipage

   \includegraphics[height=3cm]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}

    \AMCOpen{lines=3,dots=false, lineup=true}{\wrongchoice[F]{f}\scoring{0}\wrongchoice[P]{p}\scoring{1}\correctchoice[J]{j}\scoring{2}}
   \explain{Good answer 2 Pt, 1 pt for partial answer, 0 Pt for wrong answer    \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}

Si quelqu'un a une idée, je suis preneur.

Merci d'avance.

Replies (2)

RE: Question ouverte et image sur la même ligne - Added by Frédéric Bréal over 2 years ago

J'aime bien minipage mais il faut commenter la ligne entre end et begin.
Un exemple avec le paquet linegoal


    In the case of TGU tripped or in Island mode, boiler running, if the TGU bypass won’t open, where the steam will be discharged ?

   \includegraphics[height=3cm]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}
% <--- commentaire sinon latex comprend saut de ligne

  \explain{Good answer 2 Pt, 1 pt for partial answer, 0 Pt for wrong answer    \newline  Expected answer: Reduce the steam SP on the Martin view, to reduce the volume of rubbish to be introduced on the grate (=limiting the mass flow)}

RE: Question ouverte et image sur la même ligne - Added by David F over 2 years ago

Merci beaucoup 👍
Cela fonctionne parfaitement.

J'ai préféré rester sur la version avec le moins de paquet possible, du coup, mon code est maintenant comme ceci :

   \includegraphics[height=1.5\textwidth]{images/TBL - Overpressure Boiler.jpg}
% <--- commentaire sinon latex comprend saut de ligne

Bonne journée.
