extra} or frgotten $

Added by DENIS Sébastien over 2 years ago

J'ai une erreur qui semble provenir du catalogue:

ERR: <i>72 erreurs lors de la compilation LaTeX (catalogue)</i>
ERR>Missing $ inserted.
ERR>Extra }, or forgotten $.
ERR>Extra }, or forgotten $.

Et je ne comprend pas d'ou cela vient.

Quelqu'un a une idée
Merci d'avance

Replies (3)

RE: extra} or frgotten $ - Added by Jean-Philippe Bartier over 2 years ago

j'ai eu ce type récemment dans le catalogue uniquement car j'ai mis le symbole underscore "_" au lieu de "-" dans le nom de la question

RE: extra} or frgotten $ - (check on allowed characters for the identifier) - Added by Michele Marcionelli over 2 years ago

I have just had the same problem today. The confusing thing is that if you compile the .tex file "outside" AMC (i.e. in your favourite TeX editor), it works. Only if you compile the file in AMC (=> Update documents) it does not work.

Would it be possible to display a BIG WARNING MESSAGE if someone uses invalid characters for the identifier?

Merci beaucoup,

RE: extra} or frgotten $ - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 2 years ago

The confusing thing is that if you compile the .tex file "outside" AMC (i.e. in your favourite TeX editor), it works.

It does not if you add the catalog package option to build the catalog.
