Clearapage + Newpage

Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

I would like to give a descriptive question (using \begin{question}{open}... ). I could adjust the space for writing answers by {lines=##,lineheight=##, etc.}.

However is there any way I can provide one more (full) page for answer? In other words I would like to give a question with two pages of space for answer. Suppose the question appears on page two, then remaining part of page two and entire page three should be answer space.

I could achieve this by giving {lineheight=1.9\textheight}, and I can get one extra page. However I dont get the box on the second page. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


Replies (10)

RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

It's difficult to draw a multi-page frame, so maybe you can only leave white space, with something like that:

\def\follow{\emph{Use the following two pages...}}

Relate your last holidays.
\clearpage ~ \clearpage

RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

I am getting error for "contentcommand". Not able to locate it. Neither in the manual nor in the AMC's style file.

Is it a new feature?

Secondly, putting "\clearpage ~ \clearpage", leaves two extra (blank) pages (apart from the one with question.

Totally on the different thinking: Is there anyway I can get rid of the box for answers in this situations?


RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

contentcommand option appeared in revision r1099.

leaves two extra (blank) pages

There is only one with my test. Perhaps your question was at the bottom of a page? Please post your source file so that we can have a look.

Is there anyway I can get rid of the box for answers in this situations?

You can hide these boxes setting their color to white, but I'm afraid no boxes at all (simply don't use the \AMCOpen command) will confuse AMC when grading - although I did not test it.

RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

Great! This works perfectly...

I had constrcuted the answer box so as to fill the whole page ({dots=false,lineheight=0.9\textheight}). Because of that first cleapage was getting pushed to the second page and then putting tilde and one more page!

framerulecol=white is a perfect idea :-)


RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

By the way I dont understand the necessity of {contentcommand=follow}. I can produce an extra page even without that. (In fact I was able to do that earlier as well, but I posted it here to get the box. Now that I can remove the box on first page, it will be consistent with second page as well...)

Also the definition of \follow doesnt seem to matter. The text didnt appear at all...


RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

The text didnt appear at all...

It does with me (see exemple).

o.tex (728 Bytes)

o.pdf (79.9 kB)

RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

Unfortunately for the same example (o.tex) it is not working for me :-(.

FYI, I am using Ubuntu (raring), Auto Multiple Choice 1.1.1 (svn:1104).


RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

You need a recent version of AMC. You can try the one from the test PPA.

RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

Yes, with the new version it works...

Here is a minor observation: (Reporting since it is related to test version. Hope to get it fixed when it gets stabilized.)

However installing the version is quite troublesome. If the package auto-multiple-choice-common is installed, then upgrading doesnt work. It gives FILE_OVERWRITE error. Same happens with the package AMC-doc and AMC-doc-pdf. The only way it to remove other three packages from 1.1.1 version.

However if I try to install the stable version on a clean machine, then I can install all four of them simulteneously (all 4 with 1.1.1)


RE: Clearapage + Newpage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

You're right. There is only one package in the PPAs, but the package is splitted in recent debian/ubuntu releases, so there is a small conflict. This should be fixed from next test PPA version.
