Correct answers database?

Added by Arne Vilsen over 5 years ago

I've done an auto-fill script for automatically filling out sheets, in order to test my scoring strategies.

I use the layout.sqlite file for finding positions, but I cannot find any way to distinguish between correct and wrong answers, using the databases. How would I find such information?

- I would like to generate filled sheets with parameterized correctness instead of just random selections.

Replies (2)

RE: Correct answers database? - Added by Arne Vilsen over 5 years ago

That was an unexpected layout. I meant to say:

I would like to generate filled sheets with parameterized correctness instead of just random selections.

RE: Correct answers database? - Added by Arne Vilsen over 5 years ago

... and the answer is scoring.sqlite... I just didn't generate it.

for those interested, I generate using the command:
auto-multiple-choice prepare --data data --mode b --with pdflatex source.tex
