Confusion in \scoring

Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

First of all thanks for such a wonderful tool...

I have a little confusion regarding \scoring.

I have a question which has more than one answer. I want to give full 2 marks for COMPLETE CORRECT answer (as I understand {mz=2}) and deduct 1 mark for wrong or partly correct answer (as I understand {b=-1}).

I tried giving {mz=2,b=-1}, but it didnt work. The student gets 0 marks.

Can you please tell me how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.


Replies (6)

RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

mz is for "max or zero": mz=2 will give 2 points for complete correct answer, and zero otherwise.

I'm not sure I understand your need correctly, but perhaps haut=2 is for you: with this scoring strategy, a complete correct answer gets 2 points, and each wrong answer (a box that should be ticked but that is not, or a box that should not be ticked but that is ticked) deducts 1 point (with 0 as a floor).

RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

Hi Alexis!

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Let me explain my problem with an example.

Question: Which of the following numbers are prime?


My marking scheme is as follows:
A student ticks 2,3,5,7 ---> Gets full 2 marks (This I can achieve by {haut=2})
A student ticks 2,3,5 ---> Gets -1
A student ticks 2 ---> Gets -1
A student ticks 2,4,6 ---> Gets -1

In fact any incorrect or partially correct solution gets -1.

I also tried {haut=2,p=-1}, assuming 2 marks for correct and then haut will start deducting for each wrong answer but I allow the system go below only upto -1.


RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

Thanks for this example: this time I think I got it.
I think you can try \scoring{d=1,p=-1,b=0,m=-100}:
  • d=1 starts with 1 point
  • b=0 adds 0 points for each correct answer (no change)
  • m=-100 substracts 100 points for each wrong answer
    Then, the complete correct answer gets 1 point, and any incorrect or partially correct answer gets a negative score, so that with p=-1, these negative scores are floored to -1 exactly.

With current development version of AMC, \scoring{mz=1,p=-1} should also work, but I'm afraid this was not working with some old versions of AMC.

RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago


This works perfectly... Just that I had to add {MAX=2} along with d,p,b,m.

Thanks once again for such a wonderful tool.


RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

Oops, yes, in fact for you d=2 and not 1. You should not have to use MAX=2. MAX is only useful in rare cases.

RE: Confusion in \scoring - Added by VInay Wagh over 11 years ago

I had figured that out and had replaced {d=2}. Just now tried with removing MAX as well... Seemt to be working fine.

