Formatting True/False questions

Added by Clayton Spencer almost 6 years ago

I have a question about how to format True/False questions.

I'm conducting an attitude survey with several true/false questions. Ideally, I'd like the marking boxes for the true/false questions to right-justify with the right margin in the space next to each question. In this way the check boxes for True and False would be lined up along the right margin of the paper with the statement to the left.

Currently I'm using a LaTeX block as follows:

    I ask myself periodically if I am meeting my goals.

This produces the statement with the True and False marking boxes centered in the space beneath the question. This seems to waste space for many of the questions as most of the True/False statements are less than one line of text long.

Any suggestions on how to format this? Thanks!

Replies (3)

RE: Formatting True/False questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 6 years ago

Use choicescustom:

    I ask myself periodically if I am meeting my goals

RE: Formatting True/False questions - Added by Clayton Spencer almost 6 years ago

Thank you very much! That almost did what I wanted. Now the True/False marking boxes are in-line with the statement. That's great. What would make it even better is to have the marking boxes right-justified along the right-hand margin. Is there a good way to do that? If not, this suggestion will be acceptable.

Also, is there any way to increase the space between the word "True" and the marking box for "False"?

RE: Formatting True/False questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 6 years ago

See the attached file for a starting point.

simple.tex - true/false questions (1.2 kB)
