scan with 1 clic

Added by red sea over 11 years ago

we can scaned all the papers by 1 line in the terminal or 1 click on the path:

by terminal copy/past (200 mean reslution):

scanimage -b --batch-count=n --source ADF --format=tiff --mode Color --resolution 200

if we want to convert tiff to pdf :

mogrify -format pdf *.tif


tiff2ps *.tif | ps2pdf13 - > test.pdf


by patch:

copy/past to text file the save the file *.sh:

scanimage -b --batch-count=n --source ADF --format=tiff --mode Color --resolution 200
# to convert tiff to pdf remove the # in the next live.
# mogrify -format pdf *.tif
# to remove tiff files, remove the # in the next live.
#rm *.tif

how i can to capture data in AMC with terinal?

Replies (5)

RE: scan with 1 clic - Added by red sea over 11 years ago

i update the small patch to scanning papers + capture data + export results in 1 clic .

the problem :
scanned : good
capture data : good
counting grades (points) : no ?
export results : no ?

please what is the problem in this code ?!!!

# scaned all papers
scanimage -b --batch-count=n --source ADF --format=tiff --mode Color --resolution 200

# analyse in AMC
cd ..
auto-multiple-choice analyse --projet ./ ./scans/*
auto-multiple-choice note --data ./data --seuil 0.15
auto-multiple-choice association-auto --data ./data --notes-id numero-etudiant --liste ./students-list.csv --liste-key no
auto-multiple-choice annote --projet ./ --data ./data --fich-noms students-list.csv
auto-multiple-choice regroupe --projet ./ --sujet DOC-subject.pdf --fich-noms students-list.csv --tex-src test.tex --compose
auto-multiple-choice export --data ./data \
  --module ods \
  --fich-noms students-list.csv \
  --o output-note.ods

RE: scan with 1 clic - Added by red sea over 11 years ago

if any one want to used this patch :
1- creating the subject and layout.
2- copy/past ( patch in scans folder inside your project.
3- put the students papers in the scanner.
4- click on and run.
5- open AMC then compute marks.

regards (713 Bytes)

RE: scan with 1 clic - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

counting grades (points) : no ?

Before grading, you need to get the scoring strategy from the source file, with

auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --prefix ./ ./source.tex --data ./data/

See Using AMC in command line only.

RE: scan with 1 clic - Added by red sea over 11 years ago

project name: amccodetable
tex name: as.tex
csv name: students-list.csv
csv header: idstudent:name
path "" : in "scans" folder inside my progect (amccodetable).

how i can change this path:

# scaned all papers
#scanimage -b --batch-count=n --source ADF --format=tiff --mode Color --resolution 200

# analyse in AMC
cd ..
auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --prefix ./ ./as.tex --data ./data/
auto-multiple-choice analyse --projet ./ ./scans/*
auto-multiple-choice note --data ./data --seuil 0.15
auto-multiple-choice association-auto --data ./data --notes-id istudent --liste ./students-list.csv --liste-key no
auto-multiple-choice annote --projet ./ --data ./data --fich-noms students-list.csv
auto-multiple-choice regroupe --projet ./ --sujet DOC-subject.pdf --fich-noms students-list.csv --tex-src as.tex --compose
auto-multiple-choice export --data ./data \
   --module ods \
   --fich-noms students-list.csv \
   --o output-note.ods

RE: scan with 1 clic - Added by red sea over 11 years ago

sorry ..
how i can change this patch (
