Overall preferences vs project preferences

Added by S. McKay over 6 years ago

I have a question about setting preferences, specifically Maximal mark, grain and rounding type. I notice I can set them per project, but I'm wondering if I can set an overall default that gets picked up by each project. The problem is that in our system, 100 is usually considered the maximal mark. The grain also needs to be smaller, 0.1 or 0.01. I can change that for each project, but I often forget, and then look at the spreadsheet and have to go back and change the preference and redo the marks.

So, is there a configuration file, or somewhere that I can change that for all of my projects? Or is specified in the code? I realize this is kind of minor, but it would save me some minor aggravation.

While I'm at it, is there any way to change the default export type in reports to OpenOffice, rather than csv? I sometimes use csv, but rarely. (Maybe once in the last three years). ods files give information at a glance, and so I always use that file. This is really a really minor annoyance, so ....

Thanks for any information you can give me.

Replies (6)

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 6 years ago

Unfortunately grading default options are hardcoded here.
This should be fixed to allow overall settings.
Regarding OpenOffice export, I also agree.

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 6 years ago

Waiting for something more user-friendly, you can insert the following lines in your ~/.AMC.d/cf.default.xml file:


I think that OpenOffice is the default export type for current development version.

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by S. McKay over 6 years ago


That is what I was hoping for. I don't mind editing the xml file. Two more questions:

1. Does the xml file get nuked when a new version is installed? Do I need to worry about this when I go to a new version?

2. Is there a default for rounding? <defaut_note_round> or something similar? If I set the grain small enough it shouldn't matter, but I don't want students complaining to me that 89.8 becomes 89, or something like that.

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 6 years ago

  1. I'd say no.
  2. defaut_note_arrondi can be inf, normal or sup

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by S. McKay over 6 years ago

Thanks again. You've fixed most of my minor annoyances :-)

RE: Overall preferences vs project preferences - Added by Gregory F over 6 years ago

Thanks a million Alexis.

For months I did not dare to ask the very same question. Now you made my day with <defaut_note_arrondi>normal</defaut_note_arrondi>

How to thank you for the incredible job?
