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Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago
- The "\AMCnumericChoices" elements start with 0 but my list of "items" starts of course with 1. Is there a way to force it to start with 1.
- How can I choose/define a question text in the questionmultx element?
\element{stud}{ \item\AMClabel{fi} first } \element{stud}{ \item\AMClabel{se} second } \element{stud}{ \item\AMClabel{th} third } \element{stud}{ \item\AMClabel{fo} fourth } \element{zo01}{ \begin{questionmultx}{sefi} A \AMCnumericChoices{\AMCref{fi}}{digits=1,base=5,sign=false, scoreexact=0.25} \end{questionmultx} } \element{zo01}{ \begin{questionmultx}{sese} M \AMCnumericChoices{\AMCref{se}}{digits=1,base=5,sign=false} \end{questionmultx} } \element{zo01}{ \begin{questionmultx}{seth} C \AMCnumericChoices{\AMCref{th}}{digits=1,base=5,sign=false} \end{questionmultx} } \element{zo01}{ \begin{questionmultx}{sefo} is great \AMCnumericChoices{\AMCref{fo}}{digits=1,base=5,sign=false} \end{questionmultx} } \begin{flushleft}\bf Order the following items to get a valid sentence: \end{flushleft} \begin{enumerate} \insertgroup{stud} \end{enumerate} \shufflegroup{zo01} \insertgroup{zo01}
Replies (10)
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago
Is there a way to force it to start with 1.
Not yet. You can try using \usepackage{nozero}
(after \usepackage{automultiplechoice}
) with the attached package in the same directory as the source file: simply add option nozero=true
for AMCnumericChoices
nozero.sty - Package adding nozero option to AMCnumericChoices (1.2 kB)
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago
Thanks. Works like a charm
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago
How can I choose/define a question text in the questionmultx element?
What do you need exactly?
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago
If have added the resulting pdf for the above example. As you can see the questionmultx parts create Question 1 aso. How can I change that?
DOC-sujet.pdf (38.6 kB)
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago
Maybe you can redefine (locally) the \AMCbeginQuestion
LaTeX macro, which defaults to
\def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent{\bf Question #1} #2\hspace*{1em}}
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago
Perfect :)
In case someone needs it, the final working code:
AMC_is_great.tex (1.2 kB)
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by red sea over 12 years ago
thanks, but when i used the tex file in AMC , i got this messege:
LaTeX Error: File `nozero.sty' not found. Emergency stop.
how i can install "nozero.sty" in ubuntu?
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago
There are several different ways to do that depending if only you or all users on the system want to use it. I assume that you downloaded the nozero.sty from above to your home directory.
- Just for you:
cd ~ mkdir -p texmf/tex/latex/nozero cp nozero.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/nozero texhash ~/texmf
- For all users:
cd ~ sudo mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/nozero sudo cp nozero.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/nozero sudo texhash
You can read more about LaTeX on Ubuntu at
RE: Question text of questionmultx questions
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago
Note that in revision r1211 the nozero
option was added to AMC, so that you won't have to use \usepackage{nozero}