Question text of questionmultx questions

Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago

I followed how to shuffle list elements in a text for a 'match up th... to get a 'match up the list' type of question to work, but there are some slight problems:
  • The "\AMCnumericChoices" elements start with 0 but my list of "items" starts of course with 1. Is there a way to force it to start with 1.
  • How can I choose/define a question text in the questionmultx element?
    \item\AMClabel{fi} first
    \item\AMClabel{se} second
    \item\AMClabel{th} third
    \item\AMClabel{fo} fourth
    \AMCnumericChoices{\AMCref{fi}}{digits=1,base=5,sign=false, scoreexact=0.25} 
    is great

  Order the following items to get a valid sentence:



Replies (10)

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Is there a way to force it to start with 1.

Not yet. You can try using \usepackage{nozero} (after \usepackage{automultiplechoice}) with the attached package in the same directory as the source file: simply add option nozero=true for AMCnumericChoices.

nozero.sty - Package adding nozero option to AMCnumericChoices (1.2 kB)

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

How can I choose/define a question text in the questionmultx element?

What do you need exactly?

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago

If have added the resulting pdf for the above example. As you can see the questionmultx parts create Question 1 aso. How can I change that?

DOC-sujet.pdf (38.6 kB)

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Maybe you can redefine (locally) the \AMCbeginQuestion LaTeX macro, which defaults to

\def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent{\bf Question #1} #2\hspace*{1em}}

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago

Perfect :)

In case someone needs it, the final working code:

AMC_is_great.tex (1.2 kB)

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by red sea over 12 years ago

thanks, but when i used the tex file in AMC , i got this messege:

LaTeX Error: File `nozero.sty' not found.
Emergency stop.

how i can install "nozero.sty" in ubuntu?

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Florian Schoengassner over 12 years ago

There are several different ways to do that depending if only you or all users on the system want to use it. I assume that you downloaded the nozero.sty from above to your home directory.

  1. Just for you:
    cd ~
    mkdir -p texmf/tex/latex/nozero
    cp nozero.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/nozero
    texhash ~/texmf
  2. For all users:
    cd ~
    sudo mkdir /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/nozero 
    sudo cp nozero.sty /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/nozero
    sudo texhash

You can read more about LaTeX on Ubuntu at

RE: Question text of questionmultx questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago

Note that in revision r1211 the nozero option was added to AMC, so that you won't have to use \usepackage{nozero} anymore.
