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how to shuffle list elements in a text for a 'match up the list' type of questions
Added by Pieter Van den Hombergh over 12 years ago
The documentation states that you can use \shufflegroup to shuffle anything.
I would like to use this to make questions of the type 'match up the list' (for want of a better name).
The scenario is as follows.
You have a number of definitions/*words* whatever and descriptions of same.
The descriptions are put in a enumeration list, but after shuffling. Each description has a label for back referencing.
Then the mc choices would have the words which should be chosen with a number (like in the numerical questions in AMC).
so (pseudo code)
\begin{shuffleenumerate} \item\label{se:tokyo} The capital of Japan. \item\label{se:paris} The capital of France. \item\label{se:amsterdam} The capital of The Netherlands. \end{shuffleenumerate} Then the choices are setup like \begin{questionmultx}{geotoky} Tokyo \AMCnumericChoices{\ref{se:tokyo}}{other options } \end{questionmultx} \begin{questionmultx}{separis} Paris \AMCnumericChoices{\ref{se:tokyo}}{other options } \end{questionmultx} \begin{questionmultx}{seamsterdam} Amsterdam \AMCnumericChoices{\ref{se:amsterdam}}{other options } \end{questionmultx}
Is this thinkable and where should I start?
Replies (3)
RE: how to shuffle list elements in a text for a 'match up the list' type of questions
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 12 years ago
Yes, this seems to be possible. Simply use the shufflegroup/insertgroup mechanism to shuffle the enumerate items, and use AMClabel/AMCref instead of label/ref, since the labels are different from a copy to another.
matchup.tex (887 Bytes)
RE: how to shuffle list elements in a text for a 'match up the list' type of questions
Added by Bernhard Weber about 5 years ago
Unfortunately I can't run the "matchup" example. There are error messages
! You can't use `\hbox' after \the.
<argument> \hbox "
You'll get one error-message for each usage of a "questionmultx".
Any help or hints would be very appreciated
RE: how to shuffle list elements in a text for a 'match up the list' type of questions
Added by Florian Schoengassner about 5 years ago
We looked into it a bit and there seems to be some issue with \AMCref.
I have attached a minimal example, the debug log file and the generated amc-compliled.pdf, which looks just fine. (30.8 kB)