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True/false questiontype
Added by Eva Racz over 12 years ago
Hello all,
I am looking into how to reproduce the tests that are currently in use (and corrected manually) at our department with AMC.
The questions consist of a sentence + some statements which can be either true or false (good solution = 2 p, bad sol. = -1 p, no solution = 0 p).
If it weren't for the third option, namely not to provide a solution, things would seem easy enough with the questionmulti + choices environments.
\begin{questionmulti} Description \begin{choices} \correctanswer{A correct answer}\scoring{b=2, m=-1} \wronganswer{A wrong answer}\scoring{b=2, m=-1} \end{choices} \end{questionmulti}
So I am looking for something similar, however, there should be two boxes at the beginning of each statement (e.g., the first standing for true, the second for false). Is it possible to do that with AMC?
I guess
\element{group}{ \begin{question} \begin{choicescustom}[o] \correctanswer[T]{}\scoring{2} \wronganswer[F]{}\scoring{-1} \end{choicescustom} A correct answer. \end{question} \begin{question} \begin{choicescustom}[o] \wronganswer[T]{}\scoring{-1} \correctanswer[F]{}\scoring{2} \end{choicescustom} A wrong answer. \end{question} }
could be a workaround, but there in this case the sentence leading up to the statements is problematic, so something like a "group description" field would seem necessary.
Does someone have an idea that solves both the scoring and the leading up sentence problem?
Replies (10)
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Devin Casenhiser over 12 years ago
Hi Eva,
I'm not sure I understand the entire problem. Is it that you want to automate the process such that you don't want to type something like
The capital of France is Paris
Or that you don't want the answers to appear as
or neither? Or something else?
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Eva Racz over 12 years ago
Hello Devin,
My goal is to produce an economical layout that contains
- an intro clause or sentence for each question (like Kirchhof's law in the example below)
- a series of independent statements concerning the topic.
Each of these statements can be skipped by the student independently from
the other statements. (the idea was that we should discourage guessing by
giving a negative score for bad answers and zero for a missing answer)
So what I am looking for is something like this:
1) Are the following statements true about the cauliflower:
O O a) It is blue.
0 0 b) It tastes terrible as a soup.
0 0 c) It is a vegetable.
2) Kirchhoff's first law
O O a) is connected to cauliflowers.
0 0 b) is based on the conservation of charge.
0 0 c) states that the signed sum of currents at a junction is zero.
I am new to AMC, so I can only produce something like this instead (with the second option in my previous post):
1) O O The cauliflower is blue.
2) 0 0 The cauliflower tastes terrible as a soup.
3) 0 0 The cauliflower is a vegetable.
4) 0 0 Kirchhoff's first law is connected to cauliflowers.
5) 0 0 Kirchhoff's first law is based on the conservation of charge.
6) 0 0 Kirchhoff's first states that the signed sum of currents at a junction is zero.
Which contains some unnecessary repetition, and if the introductory clause is
longish is far from economical.
I hope this makes my question more clear.
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Devin Casenhiser over 12 years ago
Yes, I see what you're trying to do. Unfortunately, I can't think of a solution to the problem of economy of printing! Certainly it's possible to discourage guessing using the example I gave above, but that doesn't address the problem of economy. Maybe Alexis can come up with something.
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Devin Casenhiser over 12 years ago
Wait -- does this help:
Write your questions as the following simple question type:
Cabbage is purple
and so forth with a Kirschoff group etc. Then specify the construction of the test form as follows:
Which of the following is/are true of cabbage:
Which of the following is/are true of Kirchhoff's law:
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Eva Racz over 12 years ago
Hi Devin,
Yes, I guess this is what I'm going to do. I had to write a perl script anyway to transform the old tex files to AMC syntax, so I guess modifying it a bit so that \element-s have their description in a special comment that can be inserted later to the body of the document either manually or via another script won't be a problem.
Thank you for your help,
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Eva Racz about 12 years ago
Hello All,
For people who might be having a similar problem, here's my solution.
I have attached a sample pdf, too.
\def\AMCbeginAnswer{~} \def\AMCanswer#1#2{#1~#2} \def\AMCendAnswer{~} \def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent} ... \begin{enumerate} \item \begin{question}{id1} \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}p{.85\textwidth}} {\begin{choicescustom}[o] \wrongchoice[I]{I}\scoring{-1} \correctchoice[H]{H}\scoring{2} \end{choicescustom}} & {First statement} \end{tabular}\end{question} \begin{question}{id2} \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}p{.85\textwidth}} {\begin{choicescustom}[o] \correcchoice[I]{I}\scoring{2} \wrongtchoice[H]{H}\scoring{-1} \end{choicescustom}} & {Second statement} \end{tabular}\end{question} \end{enumerate}
copie-0001.pdf - A sample of what the pdf looks like. (88.8 kB)
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Jose Luis over 11 years ago
using the example of Eva I have made some modifications but it is not possible to shuffle the questions. Do you know why?
Here is the code.
TrueFalseQuestionnaire.tex - True False Questionnaire new sample (1 kB)
questions.tex - True False Questions (1.3 kB)
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by S. V. almost 6 years ago
Hi people,
It is possible to shuffle if you change the code.
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by Josué Simo over 3 years ago
Thanks for the files ( Jose Luis)
However when I use it all goes well with latex but at the level of AMC one observes duplicates of identifier of the questions
How could we correct this
Thank you
Sanstitre.png (54 kB)
RE: True/false questiontype
Added by S. V. over 2 years ago
How to use this kind of question and at the same type a separate answer sheet?