Questions about automatic data capture with 3 dots

Added by S. McKay over 7 years ago

I recently installed the development version on my laptop, and noticed some changes that I'd like to ask questions about. I really only have two urgent questions (at the moment :-).

1. I noticed in the preferences a new option, which allows automatic data capture to occur with only 3 dots.
- Does the software try with 4 dots first, and then try with 3 if the page was unrecognized? Or does it do all pages with only 3 dots?
- Does it try all 3 dot combinations in order until it finds one that works?
- Has anyone used it in production who can tell me how well its been working?
This improvement has me really excited, as the biggest concern I have right now is when the secretaries cut off the staples too close to the dot,
and slice some of them through ...

2. I am in the middle of a couple of large projects right now (total of about 1300 students over two exams) and I have a couple of small ones going too. Now that I have upgraded my laptop with no problems, I would like to upgrade my production machine, specifically to try out 1. Do you have any advice for this? Is upgrading going to affect current projects? Can I do this with no risk to current exams?

Thanks in advance for your answers, and thanks Alexis and others for this system. Most faculty in my department who have used it like it.

Replies (1)

RE: Questions about automatic data capture with 3 dots - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

- Does the software try with 4 dots first, and then try with 3 if the page was unrecognized?


Is upgrading going to affect current projects?

It should not, but upgrading in the middle of a project is not well tested… If you can downgrade in case of problem, you can try to upgrade after having made a backup of your current projects.
