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Question about choiceshoriz
Added by S. McKay over 8 years ago
I am typesetting some true/false questions. I have it set so that the choices are listed in order (true is always first). However, I would like to list the choices right after the question number on the same line as the question. Is this possible?
I have tried putting the choices after the question, and they are centered on their own line. Is this normal for choiceshoriz? It doesn't look too good with only two choices.
I have tried putting the choices at the beginning, but they are still centered on their own line. What I would like is something like the following: (<box> represents a box for student answers)
1. <box> True <box> False This statement is true.
1. This statement is true. <box> True <box> False
would work equally well.
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks for listening,
Replies (7)
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 8 years ago
is not flexible enough: you should use choicescustom
. As an example (you can remove the \hfill
if you want the answers right after the question):
\begin{question}{YesNo} This statement is true { \def\AMCbeginAnswer{\hfill}% \def\AMCendAnswer{}% \def\AMCanswer#1#2{#1 #2 }% \begin{choicescustom}[o] \correctchoice{Yes} \wrongchoice{No} \end{choicescustom}} \end{question}
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by S. McKay over 8 years ago
One caveat: When i have \def\AMCanswer as above I get an error: \AMCanswer doesn't match its definition. Everything else works fine.
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 8 years ago
This works for me. Maybe a different version? Can you send your source file?
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by S. McKay over 8 years ago
If it works for you, then I'll bet I've got something in my style file that's messing it up. I have it working the way I want without redefinining \AMCanswer, but I'll delve into it if I get time (this week I have 3 exams I need to deal with ....)
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by Gino Tartifola about 8 years ago
should the solution work also with amc 1.2.1?
RE: Question about choiceshoriz - Added by Gino Tartifola about 8 years ago
Sorry, I found the solution and I can confirm that the core of the solution works well also in amc 1.2.1.
Sorry for the double posting