FYI: exact digits required for autocoding

Added by Devin Casenhiser almost 12 years ago

Just in case someone makes the same mistake:

When you use the AMCcode option to have students code in their student number, it appears students have to code all the boxes. That is, you can't provide, for example, 10 boxes if the student has a 7 digit student number. The unfilled boxes will cause AMC to NOT auto recognize the student id. (I know a silly thing to do, but I have two sets of students -- one set has 8 digit IDs the other has 6 digit IDs so I'll just get those with 6 digits to add 0s -- easy fix).


Replies (2)

RE: FYI: exact digits required for autocoding - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 12 years ago

The unfilled boxes will cause AMC to NOT auto recognize the student id.

More precisely: if all boxes are unfilled for a particular digit, the value 0 will be used. But the code 0001234567 is not the same as 1234567 for AMC - perhaps I will change this...

RE: FYI: exact digits required for autocoding - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 12 years ago

perhaps I will change this...

From revision r1143, AMC removes leading zeros from students IDs before comparing them, so that this problem should not arise. Thanks for pointing it out!
