Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text

Added by Adin Ramirez about 9 years ago

I was wondering whether there is an easy way to add the text (of both answers and questions) to the summary of evaluation that is generated by the marking systems.

That is, when you get the percentage of students that got each question right, and the percentage of students that answer each option. That will provide an easy way to provide feedback to students showing where everybody got it wrong, and explain why.

For example, I am imagining something in the lines of

Q1. Text of question one. (40%)
a. Ans. (20%)
b. Ans. (30%)
c. Ans. (50%)

If this could be generated through LaTeX will be even better. But a simple dump in a excel sheet will be OK too. Moreover, going from the second to the first should not be that hard.

How can that be achievable?

Replies (5)

RE: Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text - Added by Adin Ramirez about 9 years ago

Any way of doing this? Or something alike?

RE: Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago

You can get the answer statistics in the exported ODS file, but without the answer texts, only A, B, C.
Extracting the texts is not straightforward, as they can include LaTeX macros and so on, so using LaTeX to insert statistics into the Corrected document may be the best way.

RE: Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text - Added by Adin Ramirez about 9 years ago

In my case, I can only see the percentage of the correct answers. Not the percentage per option. Is there a way to turn it on?

For example, in the Marks sheet I see only the percentage and the marks awarded. And when I activate the stats table, a "Question Statistics" sheet is generated. But the percentages are all 0.

RE: Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago

And when I activate the stats table, a "Question Statistics" sheet is generated. But the percentages are all 0.

This should not be the case: please open a bug report.

RE: Statistics of exam results with questions and answers text - Added by Adin Ramirez about 9 years ago

OK, after some testing it seems that works only for indicative questions. I will open the report still.
