Annotate on OS X

Added by Raffaele Borrelli almost 10 years ago

Hi all,

I am using AMC on OS X 10.9.5 using MacPorts. It works smoothly until I try to annotate the pdf files. When I try to annotate
I have lot of messages of this type

convert: Expected 8192 bytes; found 8133 bytes `-' warning/png.c/MagickPNGWarningHandler/1787.
convert: Read Exception `-'
convert: CorruptImage `-' error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3815.
convert: NoImagesDefined `/Users/lello/Documents/Didattica/ChimicaGenerale/Esami-2013-2014/Test-23-09-14/cr/corrections/jpg/page-17-12.jpg'

The program does not produce any annotated PDF at the end.

Any idea of the reason?

Thanks in advance,

Replies (3)

RE: Annotate on OS X - Added by Joël Brogniart almost 10 years ago

Hi Lello,

Could you give information? I've juste annotated a set of arround 80 subjects without any error and got the PDFs correctly generated. I'm using AMC (port auto-multiple-choice @1.2.1_1) with OS X 10.9.5.

If you could compact the exam folder and make it available I could give it a try with my configuration (without sending it to wikileaks). You could use my email to not make the archive available everywhere.


RE: Annotate on OS X - Added by Raffaele Borrelli almost 10 years ago

Quite incredible, after simply updating the packages with port the issue is solved.
Thanks anyway.

RE: Annotate on OS X - Added by Joël Brogniart almost 10 years ago

I like the auto bug correction feature of AMC ;-)
