Scoring strategy for question categories

Added by Jamila Aliyeva 30 days ago

I need each correct answer to give 2 points, each incorrect answer to take 1 point, but if the question is from another category of the question, it should not take one point from previous category, at the end all the point should be summarized

for e.g

I have answered 3 correct answers and 2 incorrect from category 1

I should have 6 point as a correct answer and -2 points, total points for this category is 4

In 2nd category I answered 4 correct answers and 1 incorrect

8 points as a correct answers and -1 as incorrect, total score is 7

At the end I should summarize it as 11 points

Replies (30)

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 30 days ago


I'm not pleased with MAX=0. I have no idea.

Tous_etudiants.pdf (63.3 kB)

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 29 days ago

I need total score not to be below zero, when I do as you said it shows -2\1 for example
But when I do it MAX=2, it shows like -2\80

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 29 days ago

This ?


RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 28 days ago

I will try to explain in different way, so I have question sheet with 4 subjects
I wrote every subjects questions as a separated groups
e.g Math, Physics, Chemistry and General Knowledge

so my global scoring is, 2 points for correct answer and -1 point for wrong answer, but in general it is like that, 2 points for correct answer and every two wrong answer you have -2 points

But if i had one wrong answer in subject math and one in subject physics, it should go -2 in subject physics, each wrong answer should take points only in subject where i answered wrong, so if I chose wrong answer in math subject it should take points from math subject.

so i decided to count points firstly by subject, then all subjects should be summed

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 27 days ago

I still do not understand your scoring strategy. Could you post a hand annotated file with the score ?

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 20 days ago

We have 4 groups of scientific questions: Physics, Math, Chemistry and General knowledge. Total score for each group is 20, thus if a student writes all scientific questions correctly they will get 80 score

And we have English test with 10 questions which will give 10 scores. The remaining 10 score will come from english essay.

The problem we are having with AMC is that, number of wrong answers affects the whole exam score.
Is there a way in AMC to prevent total wrong answers in a group, e.g. Math from affecting the wrong answers in other groups?

We need this feature to at least separate Scientific score from English score.

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 20 days ago

My score strategy in tex file is like this,

\scoringDefaultS{e=0, v=0, b=2, m=-1, p=0}
\scoringDefaultM{haut=2, p=-1}

and I need total score not to go below zero

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 19 days ago

total score

Sorry, I use the new option topics.yml and I forget basic options.
Menu > Preferences > Scoring > Floor mark : 0

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 18 days ago

After re-reading documentation, p works only with questionmult.
There's something I don't get about floor mark.

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 18 days ago

I have questioning the author to find out the solution : this is not possible.
Floor mark works with maximal mark not total score.

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 14 days ago

If you add ppa test and upgrade AMC, the new option topics.yml file works.

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

so is it possible to add ppa test on macOS? or only on linux?

I need add this .yml file to config folder?

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 14 days ago

so is it possible to add ppa test on macOS?

I think so. A wiki.

I need add this .yml file to config folder?

Every time, copy it in project folder.

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

I installed ppa on linux, and I downloaded this yml file, then i just need copy this .yml file in main project directory, right? so my grading strategy is still should be in my source.tex file, right?

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

I did like you said, installed ppa on linux, added .yml file to project folder, and still didnt get the result like you did

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

It doesnt see this .yml file

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Frédéric Bréal 14 days ago

Make a test with my project. (393.6 kB)

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

and this if i tick update marking scale

All_students.pdf (158.8 kB)

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

maybe is something wring with ppa that i installed?

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexis.bienvenue/amc-stable
sudo apt update

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 14 days ago

and this ppa:alexis.bienvenue/test

RE: Scoring strategy for question categories - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe 14 days ago

You need the test PPA to use topics. What is your AMC version?

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