creating checkboxes for student's ID

Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

I need to create checkboxes for students ID.

When I will scan students separate answer paper, I need to identify students name, surname by this ID's

I will attach file of the ID checkboxes that I need to create

Replies (11)

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Frédéric Bréal 9 months ago

Have a look at section 5.4.11. Code acquisition : \AMCcodeGriddInt.

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

So will I be able to scan it and get students' name and surname by this ID?
How can i solve this part?

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Frédéric Bréal 9 months ago

the full name maybe not but the first lettres.

the csv list.



RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

so if I will import to my source file csv file with student's name, surname and ID's and add \AMCcodeGrid I will able to scan those filled digits?

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Frédéric Bréal 9 months ago

The students fill the boxes, you scan the sheets and automated input.

simple.tex (2.1 kB)

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

I created gridInt like this

\draw (-26ex, 2.4cm) rectangle (6 * -1.35ex, 46.5ex);
\draw (-26ex, 2.4cm) rectangle (6 * -1.35ex, 44ex);
\node at (3 * -6.6ex, 30ex) {\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}\hspace*{\fill}\AMCcodeGridInt{id}{6}\hspace*{\fill}};

and added my csv file

so when I scan my answer paper i get an error: Missing identification for 1 answer sheets

students.csv (83 Bytes)

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Frédéric Bréal 9 months ago

No need to draw boxes, use Nominative sheets.

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 8 months ago

I will have separate answer sheets, where students will fill the id checkboxes, then after I will scan these sheets, and according to it I will know which students answer sheet it is.

Thats why I use {tikzpicture} for it.

The only problem for me is how to scan it.

RE: creating checkboxes for student's ID - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 8 months ago

Do I need to write script for it? if yes how can I write it?
