Multiple "alsocorrect" for a numeric question?

Added by VInay Wagh 12 months ago


I have set an AMCNumeric question. The correct answers are 5 and 10.
I have given the following code.


However, I also would like to give "5" as a correct answer (i.e. the student has bubbled 5 in the first row and nothing in the second row!). Is this possible?

-- VInay

Replies (2)

RE: Multiple "alsocorrect" for a numeric question? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe 12 months ago

Maybe the ignoreblank option is what you need.


RE: Multiple "alsocorrect" for a numeric question? - Added by VInay Wagh 12 months ago

Thanks! The option "ignoreblank=true" works flawlessly!

-- VInay
