adding barcode

Added by red sea about 12 years ago

write: we can writting the barcode by many packige like:


    \psbarcode{12345678}{includetext inkspread=0.5}{ean8}

reade: we can reading the barcode by:

zbar : May be a useful addition to AMC .


Perl module:

Replies (5)

RE: adding barcode - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago

What feature would to like to add to AMC with barcodes?

RE: adding barcode - Added by red sea about 12 years ago

add the student number or student id ( before print the papers) :

RE: adding barcode - Added by red sea about 12 years ago

Wish to provide assistance only, not to me.

RE: adding barcode - Added by Pieter Van den Hombergh almost 13 years ago

red sea wrote:

write: we can writting the barcode by many packige like:


reade: we can reading the barcode by:

zbar : May be a useful addition to AMC .


Perl module:

I had a similar request earlier, but Alexis shared his experience (which I indeed have) that distributing the exams at the start of the exam session will then take much longer,
because you have to give the student his personal exam.

Using the studentnummer encoding boxes on the exam or answer sheet makes the students personalise the exam at the start of the exam. All other advantages of 'personal' exams such as
random question order and random choice order are still preserved.

After having learned that from Alexis, I executed my first three exams as he proposed and I found:
  • Distributing the exams is a lot quicker.
  • You do not need an exact list of candidates up front (which is sometimes hard to get by), a rough estimate (rounded up of course) will suffice.
  • It is a lot easier to have reserve exams, which would in my previous runs would have not existing student names and numbers. Now they are personalised
    by the candidate him selves.

So I would say: no bar code needed for student number.

If you need barcodes for some other purposes (identify the exam/subject code) you can of course add that in the way you showed in you example.
