Inclusion of un-numbered questions

Added by Nick Dowell about 11 years ago

Is it possible to include un-numbered questions in a questionnaire?

I would like to have questions like "Gender: Male , Female". However, I would like these to appear distinct from the rest of the questions as they are not scored for this information.


Replies (4)

RE: Inclusion of un-numbered questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 11 years ago

check AMCbeginQuestion and \AMCnumero in the documentation.


Maybe \QuestionIndicative is also interesting in your case.

RE: Inclusion of un-numbered questions - Added by Nick Dowell about 11 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply, \AMCnumero worked a treat!



works well for changing the question style for ALL of the questions. However, is it possible to change the question presentation style on a per-question basis? I'd like to have my "Gender: Male Female" question un-numbered but the following questions numbered.

I have discovered that it is not possible to include two AMCbeginQuestion statements in my source file (i.e. to change the style back again), but is there another way?

RE: Inclusion of un-numbered questions - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 11 years ago

It should be possible to redifine this macro several times. You can also make a local change redifining the macro inside a {...} construct. However, be careful to double the #'s inside the \onecopy command:






Please post a minimal working source code showing your problem if you need some more help.

RE: Inclusion of un-numbered questions - Added by Nick Dowell about 11 years ago

This works perfectly. I was missing the second # inside the \onecopy command.

Many thanks. N (Great software, by the way!)
