Three small layout questions: Eliminate the multi symbol, no blue footer text, smaller watermark font

Added by Philipp von Klitzing almost 11 years ago

Having sorted out all the major question - thanks for all the help and an excellent software product! - I now have three remaining issues:

  1. I need to use {questionmult}, yet want to get rid of the associated symbol. Is there a way to stop it from being displayed, or can I at least override its character into something like a "space"?
  2. The footer created by \AMCtext{message} is useful, but I want to prevent color printing and therefore need it in black, not in blue. My attempt with \textcolor{black} did not produce the desired result. Should I instead set \AMCtext{message} to an empty value and somehow turn to \fancyfoot instead?
  3. How can the font size of \AMCtext{draft} be reduced to allow for slightly longer text, or 2 maybe 3 lines as watermark?

Replies (1)

RE: Three small layout questions: Eliminate the multi symbol, no blue footer text, smaller watermark font - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 11 years ago

  1. use \def\multiSymbole{}
  2. use \fancyfoot[C]{...}
  3. look at the \AMCw@termark implementation and redefine it or use the modofoed copy from your own.
