Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices

Added by Marcos Vinicius over 7 years ago

In the answer sheet, I noticed a separation between the name of the question and the numeric boxes when the column change occurs. This happens with an odd number of questions. Does anyone know how to solve it?

separate.tex (1.6 kB)

Replies (9)

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

You sample file does not include 3 questions in the math group to be shown…
Maybe you can try to:
  • use asbox option for package automultiplechoice (boxed answers in separate answer sheet)
  • use \raggedcolumns right after \begin{multicols}{2}

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Marcos Vinicius over 7 years ago

I inserted 3 questions of the same type, according to the line:


I attached the compiled pdf.
I tried to use your suggestions, but the result was the same as before. Could you be more specific or send a sample file?

separate.pdf (186.8 kB)

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

I modified your file this way.
The important part is the asbox package option:


The \raggedcolumns don't seem to be necessary so I commented it out.

separate.tex - Modified source file (3.1 kB)

DOC-sujet.pdf - Result (113.4 kB)

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Marcos Vinicius over 7 years ago

I forgot to thank you for the reply. Your answer helped me a lot.

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by KYR GI over 7 years ago

Dear all,

I am new in AMC but I managed to create my first exam. I am facing the following problem.
I want to use 2 columns on the questions sheets. Each question includes a single figure (placed in the center) and the multiple choices. However, the questions do not continue over the next page. Either, they exceed the paper margin or start from a new column.
does someone know how to do it? is it feasible?

thank you,

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

KYR: Please attach a minimal sample source file showing your problem.

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by KYR GI over 7 years ago

thank you for your prompt reply. I am sending a sample of my code. The main text is in greek. The problem is that question does not spill over the next column, I am using


I also tried to put \begin{multicols}{2} inside the question but the result was similar.

thank you


source.tex (6.5 kB)

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 7 years ago

You have to remove the box option from the \usepackage call: the box option encloses every question in a box, so that the questions cannot be split in multiple columns or pages.

RE: Answer sheet multicolumns with AMCnumericChoices - Added by KYR GI over 7 years ago

many thanks for your prompt reply!
it worked fine,as expected.

