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Alexis Bienvenüe, 09/24/2016 03:08 pm

Verbatim inside questions

The problem

The verbatim environment interferes with AMC LaTeX package, so that it is impossible to use it inside question or questionmult environments... As an example, the following code won't compile:

  What is the return value of the following R code?
    sum(sapply(1:2^2,function(x) { x/2 }))

Some solutions


For very small texts, it is possible to escape all characters that have a special meaning for LaTeX. However, this can become quickly tedious...

  What is the return value of the following R code?
    \texttt{sum(sapply(1:2\textasciicircum 2,function(x) \{ x/2 \}))}


You can also record some one-line verbatims with the fancyvrb package (define your verbatim outside — before — \onecopy):

\SaveVerb{theRcode}'sum(sapply(1:2^2,function(x) { x/2 }))'


  What is the return value of the following R code?

Verbatim boxes

For larger verbatims, the verbatimbox package can help you:

sum(sapply(1:2^2,function(x) { x/2 }))


  What is the return value of the following R code?