Using AMC on a PC without Linux (with a live-USB key)

Version 1 (Jean-Marc Gervais, 04/04/2018 06:14 pm) → Version 2/6 (Jean-Marc Gervais, 04/04/2018 06:14 pm)

h1. Using AMC on a PC without Linux (with a live-USB key)

h2. Main idea

AMC is available on different Ubuntu versions.
Therefore, it is possible to create a "live USB key" (in RAM, no hard disk installation) including AMC. Then, we can keep on hand our favorite tool or show it to colleagues who just get Windows on their PC. *Lubuntu* is perfect for this, because it is lightweight and it permits a classic interface for Windows users.

h2. A ready-to-install example (for a 4GB or more USB key)

Such a key is *downloadable here*:"": here*:* (about *2,5GB* should be long!)


It uses a "persistant mode", so your datas are saved on key when you shut down your PC. You won't find there the latest version of AMC, but it could be usefull or it could be an example to discover what is possible.

h2. How-to build your own key

A Linux-PC is used during installation.
* *Download* this "image file": file":
* _If possible_, *verify* is md5 sum : <pre> md5sum customLubuntu1304.partimage.000 | grep f4d89cab16ff9ea91851699b936ca74d </pre>
sould show the you name and footprint of the file.
* Get an *empty key with 4GB or more space*. If possible, get a fast one.

*_Be carefull, it is now necessary to understand what you do: you could erase your whole hard disk!
Read all instructions before doing anything..._*

* With *Partimage* software (launched from bash), *copy this image to USB key*. It will create or fill a 4GB partition.
* With *Gparted* software, get this partition "bootable" (*add the "boot" flag*).
* (It is possible to enlarge this partition with Gparted, or to add an other partition, if your key is gets more than 4GB free space).
* *U(n)mount* your key: it is now ready to boot any recent PC (_if necessary, modify BIOS options_)

Persistant mode allows you new software installation (with standard tools like synaptic). Then, you can add your own langage or keyboard settings. But mind free space is not so large...

h2. Tips for use

When *booting*, you get a choice between:
* *launching this custom distribution* whithout installation (*_default_*) and
* Installing standard Lubuntu on PC.

With *default choice*, graphic interface is classic and should not disturb any user. *AMC is already installed*, so is *TeXmaker* (and even LibreOffice with Dmaths add-on). It generaly works slower than a real intallation, espacially on slow keys or when RAM lacks.

One can add a printer, when one work in a stable environnement. But an other simple solution is to *"print a PDF file"* with pseudo-printer available. Then, one can copy this file on an other key (see in file browser, keep in mind to u(m)ount it before unplugging), or send it by mail or in the cloud via a web page.

Some _LaTeX_ packages could be missing, and an error would occur if your document uses them. They can be added like on a normal Ubuntu/Linux distribution.