Using AMC in command line only

Version 2 (Eric Le Gallais, 03/07/2021 12:05 am) → Version 3/19 (Alexis Bienvenüe, 03/07/2021 12:05 am)

h1. Using AMC in command line only

(under construction)

These instructions should help you use AMC in command line only without having to open the graphical user interface.
These instructions work with version 1.1.0 of AMC.

Note that when ou run AMC graphical interface and begin a debugging session (from the Help menu), all AMC commands called by the graphical interface will be recorded in the log file. This can help you to figure out which exact command can do what you need.

h2. Creating a new project

There is no AMC command to create a new project, so you will need to create directories "manually". I use the following bash script to create the needed directories:

# file name:
PROJECT_DIR=$HOME/MC-Projects PROJECT_DIR=/home/me/MC-Projects

mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections/jpg
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections/pdf
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/diagnostic
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/zooms
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/exports
mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/scans

then you can create a new poject by typing:
./ my-new-project1

h2. Prepare tests

You need to have your .tex file created before following with the instructions below.

[continue writing here...]

h3. Creating the PDFs
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode s --prefix $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex \
--out-sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf \
--out-corrige $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-corrige.pdf \
--out-calage $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-calage.xy
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --prefix $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data/


/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice meptex --src $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-calage.xy --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data

h3. Printing your documents

/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice imprime --sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data/ --methode file --output $PROJECT_DIR/$1/copies/examen$2-%e.pdf

h2. Analysing the copies

/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice analyse --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/scans/*

# Note
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice note -data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --seuil 0.15

# Association auto
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice association-auto --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --notes-id numero-etudiant --liste $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --liste-key no
# Annoter les copies
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice annote --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --qualite 100 --indicatives 1

# Regroupe les annotations pour avoir un fichier par étudiant
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice regroupe --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ --sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --tex-src $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex --compose

# Export les notes
/usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice export --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --module ods --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv -o $PROJECT_DIR/$1/output-note.ods --option-out nom=NOM-DE-L_EXAMEN