Using AMC in command line only
Version 2 (Alex Alex, 03/07/2021 12:05 am)
1 | 1 | h1. Using AMC in command line only |
2 | 1 | ||
3 | 1 | (under construction) |
4 | 1 | ||
5 | 1 | These instructions should help you use AMC in command line only without having to open the graphical user interface. |
6 | 1 | These instructions work with version 1.1.0 of AMC. |
7 | 1 | ||
8 | 1 | h2. Creating a new project |
9 | 1 | ||
10 | 1 | There is no AMC command to create a new project, so you will need to create directories "manually". I use the following bash script to create the needed directories: |
11 | 1 | ||
12 | 1 | <pre> |
13 | 1 | #!/bin/bash |
14 | 1 | # file name: |
15 | 1 | PROJECT_DIR=/home/me/MC-Projects |
16 | 1 | ||
17 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1 |
18 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr |
19 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections |
20 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections/jpg |
21 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/corrections/pdf |
22 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/diagnostic |
23 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/cr/zooms |
24 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data |
25 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/exports |
26 | 1 | mkdir $PROJECT_DIR/$1/scans |
27 | 1 | </pre> |
28 | 1 | ||
29 | 1 | then you can create a new poject by typing: |
30 | 1 | <pre> |
31 | 1 | ./ my-new-project1 |
32 | 1 | </pre> |
33 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
34 | 2 | Alex Alex | h2. Prepare tests |
35 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
36 | 2 | Alex Alex | You need to have your .tex file created before following with the instructions below. |
37 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
38 | 2 | Alex Alex | [continue writing here...] |
39 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
40 | 2 | Alex Alex | h3. Creating the PDFs |
41 | 2 | Alex Alex | <pre> |
42 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode s --prefix $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex --out-sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf --out-corrige $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-corrige.pdf --out-calage $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-calage.xy |
43 | 2 | Alex Alex | </pre> |
44 | 2 | Alex Alex | <pre> |
45 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --prefix $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data/ |
46 | 2 | Alex Alex | </pre> |
47 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
48 | 2 | Alex Alex | h3. MEPTEX |
49 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
50 | 2 | Alex Alex | <pre> |
51 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice meptex --src $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-calage.xy --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data |
52 | 2 | Alex Alex | </pre> |
53 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
54 | 2 | Alex Alex | h3. Printing your documents |
55 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
56 | 2 | Alex Alex | <pre> |
57 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice imprime --sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data/ --methode file --output $PROJECT_DIR/$1/copies/examen$2-%e.pdf |
58 | 2 | Alex Alex | </pre> |
59 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
60 | 2 | Alex Alex | h2. Analysing the copies |
61 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
62 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice analyse --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ $PROJECT_DIR/$1/scans/* |
63 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
64 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
65 | 2 | Alex Alex | # Note |
66 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice note -data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --seuil 0.15 |
67 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
68 | 2 | Alex Alex | # Association auto |
69 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice association-auto --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --notes-id numero-etudiant --liste $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --liste-key no |
70 | 2 | Alex Alex | # Annoter les copies |
71 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice annote --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --qualite 100 --indicatives 1 |
72 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
73 | 2 | Alex Alex | # Regroupe les annotations pour avoir un fichier par étudiant |
74 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice regroupe --projet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/ --sujet $PROJECT_DIR/$1/DOC-sujet.pdf --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv --tex-src $PROJECT_DIR/$1/$2.tex --compose |
75 | 2 | Alex Alex | |
76 | 2 | Alex Alex | # Export les notes |
77 | 2 | Alex Alex | /usr/bin/auto-multiple-choice export --data $PROJECT_DIR/$1/data --module ods --fich-noms $PROJECT_DIR/$1/students-list.csv -o $PROJECT_DIR/$1/output-note.ods --option-out nom=NOM-DE-L_EXAMEN |