Upload and share with ownCloud or NextCloud

Version 10 (Rémi G., 03/19/2018 10:56 am)

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h1. Presentation
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"AMCtoOwncloud":https://github.com/remjg/AMCtoOwncloud is a _Nautilus script_ that sends Auto Multiple Choice (AMC) annotated papers to Owncloud/Nextcloud and share them with the corresponding students.
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Each quiz file is uploaded to a remote folder unique to each student. Then each folder is:
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* _shared with the student_ who can be a local user or a remote user on another federated server
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* _shared by link_
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Eventually, _shared links are saved_ to a newly created @.csv@ file (default behaviour) or to the current @.csv@ file.
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In the end, the remote folder structure will look like this:
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├── 3emeE/
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|   ├── MOUSE Mickey (3998) - Maths Quizzes/
18 1
│   │   └── Quiz 1 - MOUSE Mickey (3998).pdf
19 1
│   └── MOUSE Minnie (3999) - Maths Quizzes/
20 1
│       └── Quiz 1 - MOUSE Minnie (3999).pdf
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└── 4emeE/
22 1
    └── DUCK Donald (4999) - Maths Quizzes/
23 1
        └── Quiz 1 - DUCK Donald (3999).pdf
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The root folder @Quizzes/@, @Quiz 1@, and @Maths Quizzes@ are configurable, and the other fields come from the `.csv` file.
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I use this script to avoid sending emails.
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h1. Installation
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Download the "latest release from github":https://github.com/remjg/AMCtoOwncloud/releases/tag/v0.3.0 and copy @AMCtoOwncloud.sh@ and @.AMCtoOwncloud.py@ in the _Nautilus scripts_ folder: @~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/@
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In order to make it work, you need to install the following Python modules:
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@requests@, @lxml.html@, @owncloud@ (see "pyocclient":https://github.com/owncloud/pyocclient).
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Usually the first are packaged in your distribution. For the @owncloud@ package, I use the following command:
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pip3 install pyocclient
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You also need @gnome-terminal@ or you will have to edit the @AMCtoOwncloud.sh@ script file to use another terminal.
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h1. Configuration
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Edit the @.AMCtoOwncloud.py@ and change the parameters at the end:
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<pre><code class="python">
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CSV = '/path/to/csv/students.csv'
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FOLDER = 'Quizzes/'
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ADDRESS = 'https://ncloud.zaclys.com'
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USERNAME = 'MyUserName'
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The CSV file containing all your student information must use colons @:@ as separators and the following headers (there are optional parameters in method @identify_students()@ to change this behaviour, see "Special use cases":https://project.auto-multiple-choice.net/projects/auto-multiple-choice/wiki/Upload_and_share_with_ownCloud_or_NextCloud#Special-use-cases):
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Finally, *annotated papers must contain the student number in their name*
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(the first number of the file name is extracted to associate each quiz to the corresponding student). Don't forget to configure @auto-multiple-choice@ using the column headers of your @.csv@ file:
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h1. Use
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_Right click_ on the annotated papers (or on folders) and go to the submenu _scripts_:
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Then enter your _Owncloud_ password, the name of the quiz, and wait:
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Every encountered issue should be displayed (unmatched files, login error, uploading or sharing errors).
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h1. Special use cases
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To change the script behaviour, you can edit the last four lines:
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<pre><code class="python">
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amcsend = AMCtoOwncloud()
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amcsend.connect_owncloud(address=ADDRESS, username=USERNAME, SSO=False)
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amcsend.upload_and_share(folder_root=FOLDER, replace_csv=False)
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For instance, if your _Owncloud_ server is behind a _Central Authentication Service (CAS)_, you might want to use the parameter @SSO=True@. It has been tested with the Virtual Learning Environment "Envole":https://envole.ac-dijon.fr of a school that use CAS fo authentication.
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You can also save shared links to the _current_ @.csv@ file with @replace_csv=True@. Make sure to backup before and be aware that _comment lines starting with a @#@ are lost in the process_.
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More options are available, see below for a full list of parameters with default values:
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<pre><code class="python">
102 7 Rémi G.
amcsend = AMCtoOwncloud(list_of_paths=None, verbose=False)
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amcsend.identify_students(csv_filepath=CSV, verbose=False, debug=False,
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amcsend.connect_owncloud(address=ADDRESS, username=USERNAME, password=None, SSO=False)
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amcsend.upload_and_share(folder_root=FOLDER, folder_name=" - Maths Quizzes",
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