Setup AMC to send email

Version 3 (Laurent Lassalle, 09/18/2020 03:38 pm)

1 2 Laurent Lassalle
h1. Notice
2 2 Laurent Lassalle
3 2 Laurent Lassalle
From version commit:36a9d0f6f29b (2017-10-02), AMC can be configured to send emails with anthenticated SMTP (see _Edit/Preferences/Email_). Try this first.
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h1. Setup AMC to send email
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The following steps lists down how to configure AMC to send email.
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h3. 1) Install @msmtp@
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$ sudo apt-get install msmtp
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h3. 2) Create @msmtp@ configuration file
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Create a @msmtp@ configuration file named _.msmtprc_ in your home directory.
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h3. 3) Set permission for _.msmtprc_ file
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Set permission for _.msmtprc_ file so that only you can read and write it.
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$ touch ~/.msmtprc
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$ chmod 0600 ~/.msmtprc
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h3. 4) Edit _.msmtprc_ file
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Add the following content to _.msmtprc_ file and save it.
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# A sample configuration using Gmail
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# account name is "gmail".
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account gmail
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tls on
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tls_certcheck off
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port 587
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auth login
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password your_password
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account default: gmail
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h3. 5) Setup AMC to use @msmtp@
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* Start AMC and open _Edit->Preferences->Email_.
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* Select @sendmail@ for _Mail delivery method_ .
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* Type @/usr/bin/msmtp@ in _sendmail path_ section.
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Now you send emails from AMC.
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61 3 Laurent Lassalle
If you have a message with Perl and "Email::Address", then you have to install perl modules typing :
62 3 Laurent Lassalle
63 3 Laurent Lassalle
* cpan
64 3 Laurent Lassalle
* in "cpan", install Email::Address
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66 3 Laurent Lassalle
If you have a message "Broken pipe", with gmail, you have to allow non secure applications in Gmail parameters.