Installing AMC with Nix

Version 1 (Thibault P, 12/01/2021 10:57 pm) → Version 2/8 (Thibault P, 12/01/2021 10:57 pm)

h1. Installing AMC with Nix

Nix is part of the Nix packages collection, in unstable for now (as of
2021-11-05) and will likely be part of the 21.11 release.

h2. Installation on NixOS

To install, either add @auto-multiple-choice@ to
@environment.systemPackages@ in your @configuration.nix@. If you want
to use TeX to write your questionnaires, you also need to add the
package to your texlive installation, like this:

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(texlive.combine {
inherit (pkgs.texlive) scheme-full;
xtra =
pkgs = [ auto-multiple-choice ];

h2. Installation with Nix on non-NixOS platforms

The usual methods should work. You can either get a shell with AMC
installed with @nix-shell -p auto-multiple-choice@, or install AMC in
the user environment with @nix-env -i auto-multiple-choice@.

In both these cases, though, the @.sty@ file won't be available to
your TeXLive installation. If you wish to use it, you can pass LaTeX
an explicit @TEXINPUTS@, like this:

TEXINPUTS=:.:$(nix eval$TEXINPUTS pdflatex questionnaire

h2. Troubleshooting

AMC has been added _very_ recently to Nixpkgs. If you encounter
errors, make sure you're on unstable or at least 21.11 (not yet
released at the time of this writing), and update your channels before