Building AMC from subversion repository (deprecated)

Version 10 (Anirvan Sarkar, 05/09/2014 02:01 pm) → Version 11/12 (Pieter Van den Hombergh, 05/09/2014 02:01 pm)

h1. Building AMC from @subversion@ repository (deprecated)

*Note*: _Building from @subversion@ repository is not recommended. Please follow the instructions on [[Building AMC from mercurial repository]]_

This how to assumes a debian/ubuntu system and has been tested on all "stable versions of Ubuntu.":

The steps to execute are:

h3. 1) Install @subversion@
$ sudo apt-get install subversion

h3. 2) Download (checkout) from the repository

$ svn co auto-qcm

h3. 3) Build

$ cd auto-qcm
$ make deb

This might show some unfulfilled dependencies and therefore might fail.
The dependencies may include *libnetpbm10-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev dblatex docbook-xsl librsvg2-bin libxml-libxml-perl g++ and
libgtk2-notify-perl *

h3. 4) Install dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install libnetpbm10-dev libcv-dev libhighgui-dev dblatex docbook-xsl librsvg2-bin libxml-libxml-perl g++ libgtk2-notify-perl
$ make deb

This should produce four .deb package in the /tmp directory, which can be checked.
The package will be named:
* auto-multiple-choice_x.y.z-u_v.deb
* auto-multiple-choice-common_x.y.z-u_all.deb
* auto-multiple-choice-doc_x.y.z-u_all.deb
* auto-multiple-choice-doc-pdf_x.y.z-u_all.deb,
where x, y, z, u and v depend on your processor architecture and the revision at the moment of your checkout.

h3. 5) Install AMC

# First install the platform independent files
$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/auto-multiple-choice-common_x.y.z-u_all.deb
# Then install the documentation
$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/auto-multiple-choice-doc_x.y.z-u_all.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/auto-multiple-choice-doc-pdf_x.y.z-u_all.deb
# Now install the platform dependent files
$ sudo dpkg -i /tmp/auto-multiple-choice_x.y.z-u_v.deb

@dpkg@ might complain that some dependencies are not fulfilled. You can install them using @sudo apt-get install@ as above.
You should also consider installing the _recommended_ packages (see the @Recommends:@ line in source:debian/control) with @apt-get@, as @dpkg@ does not tell you if they are missing!

h3. 6) Update AMC

If you want to stay on the bleeding edge, @svn update@ in the auto-qcm sub directory and then rerun the package making and installation process.
$ cd .../auto-qcm
$ svn up
$ make deb