Updated by Alexis Bienvenüe over 9 years ago

@\AMCnumericChoices@: \AMCnumericChoices:
The decimal point and the sign (+/-) are displayed at the bottom (in vertical mode). Can they be placed in the middle/center so that they are better visible? Could the decimal point be displayed on each line (10 times)?
(copied from message#2855) the forum "columnbreak when using multiple columns": [[http://project.auto-multiple-choice.net/boards/2/topics/2812?r=2855#message-2855]])

Option @outsidebox@: outsidebox:
Would it be possible to print the digits 0 to 9 just left of the most left column of boxes and right of the most right column of boxes (for @digits=5@ digits=5 just twice 0 to 9 instead of five times)? In horizontal mode just on top of the first row and below the last row of boxes.

