Is it possible to put AMCCode inside a question?

Added by Nhu Le over 11 years ago

I would like to have a question that student can not only choose the answer, but also provide the percentage for that entry.

For example, the answer for the following question could be: Person 1 with 40% and Person 3 with 60%. Person 2 is the wrong answer.

1) Please select the correct name and the percentage allocated for that name

a.    Person 1 (Percentage:______)
b.    Person 2 (Percentage:______)
c.    Person 3 (Percentage:______)

Could this be done? I was thinking that if I can put an AMCCode inside the answer then I can capture that info (Give then 3 digits to have 0->100% after each of the answer.)

Is there an alternative way to do the same thing?

Replies (3)

RE: Is it possible to put AMCCode inside a question? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

Have a look at the \AMCnumericChoices command (recent AMC versions, section Coding the result in the documentation). However, checking that the sum of percentages is 100 and scoring the question won't be so easy, I'm afraid.

RE: Is it possible to put AMCCode inside a question? - Added by Nhu Le over 11 years ago

Are you talking about the documentation that can be downloaded from ?

As far as calculating the sum. I think I have to do an extra step. What I plan to do is to export the resulting data as CSV and then using some other tool (Excel initially) to aggregate the information and to create a report based on that. Do you think that would be possible?

RE: Is it possible to put AMCCode inside a question? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

Preferably use the documentation shipped with the version of AMC you installed (from menu Help).
I don't know how accurate the answers can be, but perhaps using 11 boxes for 0%, 10%, 20% and so on can also be considered.
Processing data from a CSV export can be a good option.
