Forums » Using AMC (english) »
Added by Alfred DeGennaro about 12 years ago
I have a repository of questions from a textbook vendor. I prefer the formatting and grading of AMC over the other. The vendor's tool will export text and with some effort questions can be restructured for AMC with some exceptions. So:
1) Is there a way to allow for short answer questions of type \AMCOpen in a text file?
2) Is there a way to format tables? I am supposing latex will do this (though not it's strong suit), am I correct?
3) Is there a way to include graphics? Again, should I default to latex?
Most useful would be whether or not short answer questions are allowed.
Replies (3)
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago
Is there a way to allow for short answer questions of type \AMCOpen in a text file?
Currently not, but I think it is possible to add this feature
2) Is there a way to format tables?
Not yet.
I am supposing latex will do this (though not it's strong suit), am I correct?
Yes. so in fact you can use the local LaTeX tags (all in one line):
[[ \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline water & 0 degrees \\ \hline polystyrene & 160 degrees\\ \hline \end{tabular}\end{center} ]]
3) Is there a way to include graphics?
Yes, with something like
to include
Added by Alfred DeGennaro about 12 years ago
Thank you for your quick response!
You suggest in your response to (1) that the feature could be added. Is there a possible time frame? Note: I recognize that this is probably not high on your todo list.
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 12 years ago
From new revision r1326, you can use open questions from AMC-TXT with something like that:
L-OpenText: [_[*Please write the answer on the separate answer sheet.*]_] L-OpenReserved: [_Reserved_] [...] *<lines=4> Describe the moon. -[O]{0} O -[P]{1} P +[V]{2} V
Here, the examiner will have to read the answer and then tick one of the three boxes to give the student 0 points (box O), 1 point (box P like partial) or 2 points (box V like valid).