Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment

Added by Muh Kuh over 5 years ago

Can someone link me to the right place/file to search for the code where I could probably edit "Question 1" to "Question 01" with a leading zero? So they are all aligned unlike in the attached picture.

Replies (8)

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Muh Kuh over 5 years ago

Missing leading zero
Another try to include image.

amc.PNG - Missing leading zero (9.4 kB)

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Rafael Rodriguez over 5 years ago

You could try

\def\AMCformQuestion#1{\vspace{\AMCformVSpace}\par\noindent\hangindent=2.5em\hbox to 5.8em{\hfill \bf Frage #1:}}

It does not add the zero but all the squares are aligned irrespective of the numbers of digits.

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Muh Kuh over 5 years ago

Oops. I forgot to mention we are using AMC-TXT.

We did it kinda the way you mentioned back in the days we were using LaTex. I haven't yet figured out how to include this in AMC-TXT without getting tons of compiling errors.

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Muh Kuh over 5 years ago

Woops. It works in the "LaTex-Preambule:" command. It's better overall but still looks a little messed up

I hoped for something like %d that could be changed to %0d ^^

Unbenannt.PNG (3.9 kB)

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

I hoped for something like %d that could be changed to %0d

This is not a perfect solution because the strings 11 and 08 do not have the same width with proportional fonts.
If you need Frage to be left-aligned and the number to be right aligned, you can try something like

\def\AMCformQuestion#1{\vspace{\AMCformVSpace}\par\noindent\hangindent=2.5em\hbox to 5.8em{\bf Frage \hfill #1:}}

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Muh Kuh over 5 years ago

With hbox to 3.8em this looks perfect! Thank you! :)

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Eric Albin over 3 years ago

I did not succeed to make such a grid.
Could you share the source code ?
Kind regards

RE: Leading zero for questions on separate answer sheet for perfect alignment - Added by Rakesh Jana almost 2 years ago

I had invested a few bits of my time to fix this alignment. Here is the source code that I used to fix this issue. Hope it also works for you.

    {\sf Frage \ifthenelse{\inputQlen>\mythresh}{}{0}#1} #2 \hspace{2mm}}
