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Max points for either any or all correct checked answers
Added by Miguel J Ruiz Benítez almost 6 years ago
I have a questionmult with four options, two of them are correct. I would like to assign max points to either any or all correct checked answers, e.g.,
- Question
I would like 2 points for /a/ checked, 2 points for /b/ checked, 2 points for /a/ & /b/ checked, 0 points any other case.
Also, I would appreciate examples of grading formula using if...then...else conditional structure or similar. With an OR testing I think I could solve my example.
Replies (2)
RE: Max points for either any or all correct checked answers
Added by Frédéric Bréal almost 6 years ago
with Latex
\begin{questionmult}{test} Question \begin{reponses}\bareme{formula=(NBC!=0 && NMC==0 ? 2 : 0),MAX=2} \bonne{a} \bonne{b} \mauvaise{c} \mauvaise{d} \end{reponses} \end{questionmult}
RE: Max points for either any or all correct checked answers
Added by Frédéric Bréal almost 6 years ago
with amc-txt
DefaultScoringM: formula=(NBC!=0 && NMC==0 ? 2 : 0),MAX=2