automatic data capture suddenly not working: "ERROR(): No layout for ID +0/0/0+"

Added by Florian Schoengassner almost 6 years ago

Last week automatic data capture was running fine, but now no scan is recognized and if I run it in the command line I see the following error:

> auto-multiple-choice analyse --projet ./ ./scans/*
Page : +0/0/0+
Page : +0/0/0+
Page : +0/0/0+
Page : +0/0/0+
ERROR(): No layout for ID +0/0/0+

I attached the debug log file for further inspection.

System: Xubuntu 16.04
AMC: 1.3.0 from the stable repository

Replies (3)

RE: automatic data capture suddenly not working: "ERROR(): No layout for ID +0/0/0+" - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 6 years ago

identify: not authorized `/home/allgemeine/AllgI_20181002/IT041251_Canon115_RPS_2095_001.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412.

Can you have a look at the policy.xml file from ImageMagick (maybe in /etc/ImageMagick-6/)? If you find some line like

  <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />

then comment it out, or remove it.

RE: automatic data capture suddenly not working: "ERROR(): No layout for ID +0/0/0+" - Added by Florian Schoengassner almost 6 years ago

Perfect, thanks a lot. It's working again.

In the light of your answer I searched and found . There, changing the none to read is preferred due to security reasons

  <policy domain="coder" rights="read" pattern="PDF" />

I did a quick check and read seams to be sufficient for AMC...
