add the question number in circle

Added by red sea almost 13 years ago

we can add the question number in circle by :
1- in the head :


2- change this line :

{\Large #1} :} }

to :

\par\noindent\hfill{\tikz[baseline=(e.base)] \node[circle,draw] (e) {#1};}}

and we can change the (circle) to (rectangle - Square - )

Replies (1)

RE: add the question number in circle - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 13 years ago

Thank you for this interesting tip. To complete a little, you can get these circled question numbers with the following commands (in the LaTeX source file of your exam):
  1. before \begin{document}, add
  2. just after \begin{document}, add (the second line is only necessary if you use a separate answer sheet):
    \def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent\tikz[baseline=(e.base)]{\node[circle,draw] (e) {#1};} #2\hspace*{1em}}
    \def\AMCformQuestion#1{\vspace{\AMCformVSpace}\par\noindent\tikz[baseline=(e.base)]{\node[circle,draw] (e) {#1};}\hspace*{1em}}
