Markings not working (except for first test)

Added by Adin Ramirez over 6 years ago

I have used AMC successfully before, but for some reason that I can't figure out my current project is not grading correctly.

The scans are correctly detected, by inspecting them through the data capture manual window.

The execution of the marking doesn't prompt an error. But the grades are all empty, except the first test. The rest of the tests appear with the legend "non applicable".

I'm attaching the debug info. Please let me know if something else can be done to aid on debugging the problem.

I'm using the version 1.3.0+hg2018-02-25

Replies (2)

RE: Markings not working (except for first test) - Added by Adin Ramirez over 6 years ago

I found the bug.

For some reason the "number of papers" on the tab "Preparation" reseted to zero. Despite the status of the layout saying the correct amount of copies processed.

Once I updated the zero to the number of papers, the marking script proceed to generate the markings for them and to do the correct mark. I assume that zero defaults to 1, and that is why only the first test was graded.

I think that storing the number of copies will be a good idea, or at least giving a message on the marking window of how many files it is processing.

Really a strange bug in usability. One will not expect that the number used to generate the pages is not stored, even though other messages show that it was used at some point.

RE: Markings not working (except for first test) - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 6 years ago

Thanks for the report!

I assume that zero defaults to 1

Zero defaults to the number of copies planned in the source file (in simple cases, the first argument given to \onecopy)

I think that storing the number of copies will be a good idea

Totally agree. Included in revision hg:05a25582da4e.
